so recently, i moved out raymond to bring fang back into my island because i missed him dearly - i was either going to move out raymond or pashmina, i chose raymond to leave because of a vote. i'm happy with this decision as i love fang, and i plan to keep him forever with most of my villagers. now, i have pashmina on my island who i like (and was a dreamie), but the thing is, i'm not very attached to her and considering moving her out for someone else. but i'm also not sure if i'd rather have another sisterly villager (like muffy) in her place, or another double of a different personality. i prefer to have one of each personality around at all times, however there are obviously villagers (especially of other personalities) that i would rather have over pashmina. for reference, i already have at least one of each personality, which 2 are snootys (diana and judy, who are NEVER leaving) and now two crankys (chief and fang, who are also NEVER leaving).
tldr: help me by voting on my poll!
tldr: help me by voting on my poll!