Carnival Dust Gathering Discussion

I remember during the last event, while I was donating dust to Shrunk, I donated a random 100 TBT to another member on my team. I don’t think I can do that right now.
I don’t understand this cooldown thing. It seems I’m earning no more than 5 dust at a time and a cooldown hits. I just post around and hope the forum decides to give me dust.
I don’t understand this cooldown thing. It seems I’m earning no more than 5 dust at a time and a cooldown hits. I just post around and hope the forum decides to give me dust.
I think I've done better with it if I come back after quite a while. Then I can get a decent amount each time.

The poll dust though....that's only a once a day duster. My 2nd ticket will expire soon. It's good the main events give so many tickets. I'll definitely be back here in this tent tomorrow.
I think I reached 200 but I’ll still be coming in here to help and for the calendar.
I received the Haunt of Acceptance for my Nightmare in Paradise entry being accepted and got a v nice 8 Carnival Dust for it! ✨

Hoping the dust collecting goes a little better for me today! 🧹 I got close to 100 dust from my last ticket here, and was hoping to reach the 200 mark with this one, but idk if I'm gonna make it ;u; Thankfully I'm sticking around for the calendar anyway!
I'm hoping I can make it to 200 before my ticket expires but I'll probably be back for the calendar either way.
Dusting sure is a slow process, thankfully there's still enough time/tickets to go around~
I'm getting so darn close to two hundred carnival dust to reach the threshold for getting the bell reward. I'm really hoping that this post, which I'm deliberately making longer and wordier than I would probably normally be inclined to make it if it were for dust, will get me to two hundred. Then I'll donate them all at once to Celeste, and that will bring her total up a lot, and hopefully it'll give everyone a morale boost so we can keep going to unlock the star fragment. I want that Actually, Nevermind fragment to happen so bad!
I’m getting even closer. I have 4 dust left to collect. And then, I can get that 120 Bells.

But I do hope that Mintstellar star fragment gets unlocked.
I'm still working toward my initial goal of 200 like everyone else, but if we want to unlock that fragment I'd encourage continuing to keep the effort going strong and keep going past 200. If we all only aimed for 200, starting from 0 dust initially, we'd need 120 individuals doing that, and I don't know how many members of the forum are actively participating in dust collection. I know I'll keep continuing to collect and donate the dust. The fragment isn't of interest to me personally, but I figure others will like it.

I said it before but I'd again encourage making threads. While it only gives dust once per 24 hours, it gives us all more topics to respond to. I've had a topic in mind for a while but am thinking over how to kick the thread off in the opening post.
I'm always a little afraid that any new thread I create will be too transparently for dust farming and considered spam. But I suppose I could try. I just don't want to get in trouble just for a handful of dust that might get taken away if it's too spammy anyway. ^o^;>
I'm always a little afraid that any new thread I create will be too transparently for dust farming and considered spam. But I suppose I could try. I just don't want to get in trouble just for a handful of dust that might get taken away if it's too spammy anyway. ^o^;>
I just create random threads out in Brewster's cafe or something, where there's already a lot of random chatter.
Don't worry, there are tons of threads, and I feel like as long as yours does generate some sort of discussion, then it's helping promote activity in the forum. Even if it's about the carnival, or how much you hate collecting dust, or whatever ;)
I still think I won't. I got an official staff warning once just for trying to politely steer someone to another thread that was set up for the kinds of things they were saying. They called it "mini-modding." And those warnings never go away. I see it every time I go to my profile, and it hurts my feelings. So, I don't want to test the limits of the staff, or I might get another one and get in actual trouble. I want to stay here on TBT. I like it here, even if I'm afraid of the staff. ^o^;>
Guys I only have an hour left in this tent I am so close to getting to my 100.

Does anyone know if you earn carnival dust when you donate to celeste? As I know in other dust events you would earn some for donating?
I only need 3 when i get to 50 I will donate. Hopefully I will get at least a hundred on this ticket. We will get the fragment! Everyone is doing great!! ✨✨🧹✨✨