Cat villager tier list


"Laughter is the best medicine."
Jun 13, 2020
Blue Star Fragment
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Shooting Star
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Blue Star Fragment
Opalescent Crystal
Blue Rosewater Potion
Enchanted Bloom
Blue Rosewater Potion
Opalescent Crystal
(cat villagers are the GOAT, I wanted to share the video above because cat villagers 😆)​

I'm not sure if this thread about cat villager tier list has been made already but here's the cat villager tier list I've found over Tiermaker:

There is no such thing as a bad cat villager for me and all of the cat villagers are good so here's my personal tier list:
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Pierre is just straight up good and I want him along with Woolio and Champ (I know that both Woolio and Champ aren't cats but still.) back in another Animal Crossing game. Felicity is underrated and so is Kid Cat and both of them needed more appreciation.😭
It's my cat villager tier list, I uploaded the images myself.

I like Rosie's design and all, but I get sick of seeing her in merchandise, because Nintendo overused her to the point that the other cats get overshadowed in favor of her. Her appearance in the movie, while not bad, is just Nintendo proving further that they're ranking her as number one again.

Bob gets treated so high just because he's the very first villager ever made. If he weren't the first villager, then people wouldn't have worshiped him like he's a god.

Kid Cat is my personal black sheep. He killed a couple of my regular fruit trees in my first New Leaf town, started fights with Doc to the point that even my villagers got sick of him, gloating to Carmen that he won first place in a towel contest which hurt her feelings, changing his mind about moving once and refusing to move for 5 months. He is banned from living in any of my towns ever again.

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I like all of the cats enough to not put any in the last row.I ranked them using my cat's favorite brands of cat food with Fancy Feast being the top cat.

I want to like all of the cats since I love cats so much but I still don’t like Monique’s design; I just don’t like a lot of villagers that have make up on. Kitty could maybe grow on me and the other cat that I’m not familiar with; I think the villagers in the middle tiers could definitely grow on me even more 🙂. I think most of the villagers that I put in the middle tier could actually go in the second tier.
i love cat villagers so much but... some of them r questionable
I'm just not the biggest fan of animals with human features like hair or makeup, and unfortunately a lot of cats fall in that category. (CATegory ha)

Lolly was a permanent resident of my NL town, so she'll always be a favorite! Monique on the other hand . . . she haunted my Wild World town for almost a year. Every day I entered her house peeking through my hands hoping MAYBE she would be in boxes. I don't hate many villagers but Monique is a lifelong enemy.

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All of the lost cats need to make a comeback, I wouldn't mind all of them being in a future game.

Meow and Pierre are just amazing, I just know they would be incredibly popular. ✨
My review of the New Horizons kitties.
There's only one cat I can't really stand.
The ones in the top 3 categories are my favorites.
cat tier list.png

S Tier
Ankha is my absolute favorite of the Cat villagers; her Ancient Egyptian pharaoh design is so cool, especially with the little cobra. I had her in my main, horror-themed New Leaf town for numerous years until deciding to move her out and send her up into New Horizons since she fit my island's theme of a melting pot of different cultures and time periods. She's one of my favorite Animal Crossing villagers in general; not the favorite, but definitely in my personal top tier.

Bow and Meow are really neat with their digital screen faces and, while I know they were linked to a long since defunct real world technology, I wish they could come back anyway. The concept is SO GOOD.

I personally like clown aesthetics and am fond of clown villagers, so I really like Pierre. I wish he would come back to the series eventually.

A Tier
All fantastic villagers.

Raymond is really cool with his office suit, the heterochromatic eyes, the bluish-gray fur coloration and the tuft of blond hair.

Always been fond of Kabuki's design and had him as a resident in New Horizons for a while.

I like villagers with unique aspects and/or accessories, so I like Kid Cat and his superhero design that pairs with Agent S, Big Top and Rocket.

Not a whole lot to say about Kitty and Olivia, I just like their designs a lot.

Finally, I love Monique's design that's clearly inspired by Marilyn Monroe.

B Tier
All solid designs that I like but that are just below the threshold of the A Tier level. Felicity might be A Tier depending on the day. Kiki's nose could stand to be a few sizes smaller but otherwise good and I like the reference. Mitzi would probably be C Tier if not for the fact that I had her as a resident of my GameCube town.

C Tier

They're fine but I don't have much to say about them. Tabby and Katt are fun with their intentionally "ugly" designs but I don't like them as much as those in the B Tier, so threw them here with the others.

D Tier
Same as the C Tier, they're fine but I just like them less than the C Tiers. Not much to say here.

F Tier
While I like Lolly's gray coloration wit the black accent lines, I greatly dislike her eyes and she's one of those villagers whose lack of a nose really bothers me (it's a subjective pet peeve). Merry, meanwhile, is like an inferior Felicity but with a bad haircut.