Reflecting on it. I find it a little too weird how buddy buddy you two have gotten almost instantly. This alliance really seems to stem from an agreement about a Dan+Dolby maf duo but I just don't see it????
It's not instant, at all, lol. Basic line of thought went-
Start of d2, dolby goes from sus on dan at eod 1, to suddenly feeling 'more towny' about dan. Big flip. Dolby cannot say why or talk about the item and also won't say anything more about his role.
Also- dan started d2 being willing to work with dolby and giving him power vote, again.
I assumed something happened over night to impact their reads on each other or confidence in each other.
I put in a post that either they were maf team, or town, didn't know which. One could be maf and fooling the other one. Tessa reads better than I do, and leaned toward maf reading kiko end of d1. This made me think it more likely I should trust tessas gut and the overnight happenings, and that maf was somewhere in frosty kiko.
Kiko's role fishing and your posts to clear yourself had me more eyeballing kiko.
To protect against possible dan dolby team, or the possibility of one of them fooling the other somehow in the night phase, I thought someone else should have the item.
I thought of one specific mech scenario where my role would be vital, so decided to campaign for item, leaving bigger and bigger hints about my pr.
Dolby's inaccuracies (not just one, which hey, everyone makes mistakes all the time in this game, esp me, but mutiple) in his long read on me made me really uncomfortable. Sometimes it is used to frame someone. Not worried about being framed so much as worried about Dolby's motives.
Kiko was also asking for the item, and after some pr allusions, I realized yeah, town probably
all has powers of some sort. I tried to map out exactly how much my role would help f3. In some instances - very much. But in other instances- not so much.
Struggled with decision, decided giving it to someone other than dan or dolby was important. Did not want f3 to be dan, dolby, and another town with dolby saying trust me, vote x, I can't tell you why. Especially if maf is one of them and has the ability to fool in the night phase.
I still feel like Kiko is our maf but I'm starting to get a lot more uncomfortable about you Betsy.
I've been thinking kiko tr more today. Am not worried about sus on me. It's frustrating, can't prove I'm town, but will try to do better putting my head maps of going from point a to point b out there so you can see how I got there.
But make your own reads, because while I try to be accurate, I am really bad at figuring out who/what is wolfy and who/what is townie.
Dropping your suspicion on Kiko and voting him the item. Can you explain why you changed your mind beyond him seeming more solvey? I dunno you seemed really confident about your power's results on day 3 but now it's like 'maybe' it would help but I'm okay with trusting Kiko going into day 3 over me???
I outlined it above. You can see exactly how I got there.
It's really not sitting right with me that you feel ready to let Kiko have it especially since he was giving the item to you.
If you look at the voting thread, you can see I voted to give kiko the item first. Then I came here to post why, and as I was typing my explanation got a notification, so posted my explanation and then saw kiko had voted me the item. I think if kiko is town, we might both be thinking about potentials in f3. Kiko giving me back the item is even more towny to me, and I don't need the item to be useful.