Mafia CHATBOT MAFIA...Chapter 5: The Glitch... ENDGAME?

this feels so much like town betsy its freaking me out a little, because you said something so similar in monster mash:

I don't religiously compare people to previous games and style and technique evolves, but damn, betsy. You are so consistent it gets difficult to read you.

But this does feel town to me. I don't entirely agree with the sentiment but I see the parallels you place between games and I think thats hard to replicate and win as mafia.
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i have got to stop doing this so often
why would it be freaky for someone to have a mindset consistent to a previous play?
on eliminating an inactive or not: the pool of players is too small to keep an inactive in. unless the few posts they made screamed town, they generally stay the object of suspicion for the rest of the game which just ends up hurting town (see many games on here). if they’re not getting replaced, i think it’s worth flipping now
do you not mind the risk that voting them off could mean if they end up 1. coming late or 2. rolling pr?
this feels so much like town betsy its freaking me out a little, because you said something so similar in monster mash:

I don't religiously compare people to previous games and style and technique evolves, but damn, betsy. You are so consistent it gets difficult to read you.

But this does feel town to me. I don't entirely agree with the sentiment but I see the parallels you place between games and I think thats hard to replicate and win as mafia.
Yep. I always vote out inactives. Better for town in the long run. Inactives only hurt town.

Think of the numbers- 7 people.
D1 - vote inactive, get info on their role, they aren't a mystery slot for the rest of the game.
N1 - maf kills
D2- We have 5 people, more info, and no ia

But- if we don't vote out ia
D1 - we vote out active/useful person
N1 - ia possibly modkilled
N2 - maf kills
D2 - We are down to 4! Very, very bad for town.
why would it be freaky for someone to have a mindset consistent to a previous play?
because i don't, haha. what's freaky is how almost identical the two discussions have been. it's like just off putting, because when looking for her opinion on ia in other threads i was not expecting something so similar. in monster mash she also talked about how f3 with an inactive is bad and that was also just mentioned.
because i don't, haha. what's freaky is how almost identical the two discussions have been. it's like just off putting, because when looking for her opinion on ia in other threads i was not expecting something so similar. in monster mash she also talked about how f3 with an inactive is bad and that was also just mentioned.
Yep, I'm really against keeping ia around, lol.
Yep. I always vote out inactives. Better for town in the long run. Inactives only hurt town.

Think of the numbers- 7 people.
D1 - vote inactive, get info on their role, they aren't a mystery slot for the rest of the game.
N1 - maf kills
D2- We have 5 people, more info, and no ia

But- if we don't vote out ia
D1 - we vote out active/useful person
N1 - ia possibly modkilled
N2 - maf kills
D2 - We are down to 4! Very, very bad for town.
ok seeing it sketched out in my brain helps me understand it a bit better and i can see why you may want to do it. but if its a modkill confirmed you would still want to vote ia?
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No edits, but here I meant N1 - maf kills. So 3 people gone in 1 night. I just don't like the odds...
well the odds of getting 2/7 isn't horrible, but those odds will always be skewed because of evidence/reads you know? and i'd hope it's in our towns best judgement to vote someone maffy.
do you not mind the risk that voting them off could mean if they end up 1. coming late or 2. rolling pr?
in a small game, you have to make tough calls on who to vote off. people who are more active and engaging are usually more deserving to live
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because i don't, haha. what's freaky is how almost identical the two discussions have been. it's like just off putting, because when looking for her opinion on ia in other threads i was not expecting something so similar. in monster mash she also talked about how f3 with an inactive is bad and that was also just mentioned.
do you think she’s trying to intentionally mimic her past play then?
in a small game, you have to make tough calls on who to vote off. people who are more active and engaging are usually more deserving to live
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do you think she’s trying to intentionally mimic her past play then?
no i don't think any mafia would've taken that into account so early on. i know if i were mafia i wouldn't have

also the way you said "deserving to live"... felt so funny to me i don't know why. feels like towns in a cult or something. maybe town is the real mafia🤔
ok seeing it sketched out in my brain helps me understand it a bit better and i can see why you may want to do it. but if its a modkill confirmed you would still want to vote ia?

If the difference is 5 players d2 versus 4 players d2....I think yeah, I'd rather have the 5 on d2.
man i can't wait to get some questions cleared up with the host i think that will help us all in understanding the actual setup and how we should follow through with day one voting.

also i may have missed this, but did you end up getting your role sent to you?
man i can't wait to get some questions cleared up with the host i think that will help us all in understanding the actual setup and how we should follow through with day one voting.

also i may have missed this, but did you end up getting your role sent to you?
Nope. Not yet. And I'm out for the night around 10pm. I keep checking, though...
no i don't think any mafia would've taken that into account so early on. i know if i were mafia i wouldn't have

also the way you said "deserving to live"... felt so funny to me i don't know why. feels like towns in a cult or something. maybe town is the real mafia🤔
the cellar is a cult
Welp, time's up for tonight. Looking forward to getting my role tomorrow (hopefully) before eod voting. Goodnight fellow (hopefully) town!

Hello again!

I just got back from a night out that included watching Scream 6, so might be in the mood to put out some extra paranoid reads. Def don't read into them too too much, but I'd love to further discussions before night hits. While no one's made it clear if they have any traditional roles or anything yet (probably for the best), abilities were pretty intricate in baby park so maybe people can use some more chatting to help them pick what to do tonight.

In terms of voting someone out tonight, I'm still a little confused. I definitely see the benefit in voting out an ia instead of one of the talkers in the case we do make a vote to elim, but outside of an inactive person possibly wrongly drawing our suspicions, don't see the value really in voting them out early vs potentially keeping another number for the town. In any case, wouldn't they just eventually be voted off later? The odds still seem to outweigh the benefits for me but if anyone has anecdotes or things from other threads, I'm happy to read up on day-1 votes as a phenomena. Currently still anti-elim tonight (and was the first to be vocal about their stance on that, as well as the first to move from the introductory questions to game chatting. Both things that Damniel missed in his reads about me? a preview for my post-horror-movie reads)

In terms of the voting to give out a power, that is something I def think we should do tonight because we know for certain the odds are about as much in our favour as they ever will be for the early game. Mid game, unless we're lucky, should almost always have a ratio of less townies to mafs compared to the early, and we'd be banking on having more info to counteract the worse odds, which idk if we'd want to make that bet yet. I'm literally down for us to pick someone at random that we all vote for to get the power just so there's no opportunity for the mafia to take advantage of there being little evidence rn to talk in ways that gives them a good read and get the power. Even down to say you can exclude me from the draw, but as a townie, I don't want to reduce our odds so won't say that (but since this was my idea, then by all means, exclude me if it means removing seeing this as a move that benefits me (which it does as a townie anyways so that shouldn't be a prob? unless I have a super obscure wincon revolving around that power-vote mechanic))

Reads in next post! Stay tuned! just gonna switch from phone to my computer and grab a snack
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omg I'm about to turn this into baby park part 2 aren't I
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Betsy - Doesn't have their role yet. Won't get into them cuz they don't have info rn to inform their actions

tessa - This is the only person I've played with before and so far it's... pretty 'tessa'? :p The main difference I'm seeing is a being a bit more comfortable with things, which makes sense after playing a decent number of games since bb parque.
So far, tessa hasn't really said anything that feels like going out of the way to seem agreeable to people or anything like that. Everything's been fairly genuine questions and ideas that follow-up on what other people are saying. For the early game, this behaviour strikes me as townie: cautious to a degree because of the limited info, not knowing who to associate with or what for, etc. etc.
The main thing that can be looked into as a possible maf lean is tessa's stance on not voting out ia's (which in this case, is not voting out boring, whom tessa would know is a maf if they're also a maf, but tessa was also confused about the number of mafs in this game and thought there was only 1). Everyone seems pretty split so far on voting to elim night 1 so the stance is fair imo.
If I had more experience and better understood how and why night-1 elims are good for townies despite the odds, my read could be different here.

Frosty - My overall read is that they're trying to move things forward and are actively replying to people (good), but, imo, they're being just a bit too agreeable with everyone. Normally I'd feel like everyone is finding their own footing day 1, dropping their own hints or ideas to further discussions to get information, and while Frosty's been moving discussions, I haven't been getting that "day 1 townie weariness" at all, instead feeling a bit more like they're trying to appeal to everyone and have a town-lean on reads by being so agreeable.
Unrelated to reads: You've been super fun to play with so far! Am happy I get to be a part of your first game :)

Damniel - overall read: stingy with information/responses until convenient (in terms of focusing sus on people). All the initial messages were very kurt and prodding. While being too agreeable is one way to put off my senses a little, so is being a little too (I'm at a loss for what to call this exactly rn, words don't feel right, rip my vocabulary). Basically everything on the first two pages were one-liners and were lines of questioning. That could also just be how they play though (have not read up on past threads so don't know their style). Initially it felt to me like Damniel and Betsy were relatively friendly with each other, but this early in the game it's most likely just them knowing each other maybe.
I may have jumped the gun a bit on calling you out for missing my being in the boat of "no elim day 1". looking back, I wasn't too overt with it, and think I remembered in my heads making a similar odds argument as I did for the power-vote. Similarly, I myself didn't count Betsy's initial joke-sussing of me as starting the game-chat (as I'm now guessing that you did, vs my question in the subsequent post). Was riding a little too hard on getting sussy vibes from you so my apologies.
I did literally just come out from watching a horror movie in an empty theatre, so bear with my paranoia :p

Raven - jumped in as pro day-1-elim right off the bat, not too much else to go off of
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Am not sure how helpful these are, nothing's clear-cut really. The main thing is:

I still don't see voting to elim someone tonight as beneficial to the townies
I do see voting to give a power to someone as beneficial to the townies

No one's talked about roles or abilities yet outside of that power we vote to give out. It makes sense Betsy would be confused as they haven't got their role yet, but no one's followed up on that comment. Possibly in their best interests though, as people with powerful roles could be targeted if revealed tn
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Damniel - overall read: stingy with information/responses until convenient (in terms of focusing sus on people). All the initial messages were very kurt and prodding. While being too agreeable is one way to put off my senses a little, so is being a little too (I'm at a loss for what to call this exactly rn, words don't feel right, rip my vocabulary).
It's not a word but, to me it was giving: Smart guilty person aware of the whole "Everything you say can and will be used against you" thing, vibes
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(again though, these are all super subjective vibe-reads)
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-Do we get to know if there's 1 or 2 maf?
-Are inactives modkilled?
-What's my role? (Maybe dont post it here, unless I'm town...)
1. you will not know--- but I know!
2. yes, they are..eventually
3. check inbox! I apologize as it slipped out my mind!
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@Biancasbotique are roles revealed at death?

Yes, they are revealed at death

Edit: only exception is modkill---if someone is modkilled, their role will not be revealed -and since this is a bianca game- bianca will tell everyone if the game will continue or not , if a faction already won because of the modkill, or any other mechanics that might have affected the game.

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Sorry, can I ask what happens in the case of a modkill? Does that mean that day we don't vote for anyone? Does mafia (assuming they weren't the one get an additional night kill in that scenario too? Or does that kind of count as a free day where neither we nor mafia can do anything?
They will be modkilled going into night. I usually try to find a sub before that happens. It depends on the phase of the game regarding decisions on how to proceed.
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not sure, no harm in asking. @Biancasbotique are there any prs as well currently? are we allowed that information?

1. you will not know--but I know!

Kidding aside, Besty and tessa, this is a closed set up game no pm game (I updated the OP) :) No information will be given. I did not assign a role name to everyone as you will only go by your name as your role name---(really a lame attempt at trying not to make it seem I forgot to give everyone role names lol).
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