Giveaway CHIEF the CRANKY WOLF is in boxes!!! :D

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Senior Member
Oct 19, 2013
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Tell me why you want him, and I will pick who gets him. Will it be your town he moves to? :)

I will pick the winner at 11:45 am EST.
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OMG FoxieVee wants him, but she isn't online. Can I come get him and hold him for her?

I promise not to keep him for myself ( I am NOT a wolf fan), but she wants him badly.

Just fully read your post. Sorry WAY too much coffee this morning. IF you pick me, I promise to get Chief to FoxieVee. I am entering for her.
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I would love to adopt him, please! I love dogs and wolfs! I have a dog (in real life) that look likes a wolf, so I'm a huge fan! It's for my town!
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Alrighty here, is my chance to get him back and let people know why, I want him, it's a long story...
Me and him were loving neighbors at one point he'd come over to my house daily, I ended up cycling him out to get someone I barely knew at the time one of his dreamies, not knowing that my pal would ever leave me without telling me, I went a little berserk, TT'ed to 2050 quite a few times not caring bout any villager I happened to void, helped someone get a silver weeding badge in the process I had over 2000 weeds in my town no trees Leif was like O_O noooo, any way... ya all 16+ villagers cycled out. [this would make me a very happy guy.]
I will pick the winner at 11 :45 am EST.
Thats a little more than 10 minutes from now. :)
The winner should be ready for pickup then. :)
OOPS, Foxie, I so thought you were a girl. SO SORRY!!!!!!!!! I entered for you! Lea, you can void my entry since FoxieVee is online
: )
1 more minute:)

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And the winner is - FoxieVee!!!! :D

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I'm sorry Danylica, hope you find your Chief. :)

FoxieVee, I am adding you now. :)
Please add me and get ready to pick up Chief!!!! :D
FoxieVee, did you notice the name of my town? It isn't Seabrook, Chief is in my second town, LeoCreek. :)
I can see that you have added me, and my gate is open in LeoCreek. :)
FoxieVee, I'm very glad you have Chief back after such a long search. :). :). :). :D
Danylica, hope you find him soon. :)
Thank you sooooo much for the gorgeous gold roses!! :D
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