Childhood misconceptions

I thought that at one point in your life you'd just die from being too old, and not just like a heart attack or an accident. Not really sure how that was supposed to work, but no one ever explained a family member's death to me I guess.
Wow I'm reading this first page and already these are fascinating and understandable. Love that live-TV one, seems like I might have thought something similar back then too..

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I thought that at one point in your life you'd just die from being too old, and not just like a heart attack or an accident. Not really sure how that was supposed to work, but no one ever explained a family member's death to me I guess.

Saame. I kind of imagined a drifting off kind of thing..? I honestly still don't know a lot of medical science :p
I thought that at one point in your life you'd just die from being too old, and not just like a heart attack or an accident. Not really sure how that was supposed to work, but no one ever explained a family member's death to me I guess.

Isn't this dying from old age thou?

What others have said, I thought becoming a young adult would be great. I'd get a job, make money and have more freedom to make my own choices rather then parents makin or influencing them for me. Fast forward years later, my job sucks, I have to deal with rude and stupid people every day and I still don't have all the freedoms I want as an adult.

Okay so when my parents are eating/drinking something and they choke on it a bit they say, "oops that just went down the wrong pipe."
Well being the idiot I was as a kid (lmao) I though that because they said, for example, that their drink went down the "wrong pipe" that that meant there was a "pipe" for food and a "pipe" for drink, and that the drink went down the food "pipe". I learned pretty quickly that that's nowhere near true lol.

Tbh tho I still don't really understand how it works. I don't know **** about anatomy so I had to look up an article just now on how it all works. It's wild, man.

Okay so when my parents are eating/drinking something and they choke on it a bit they say, "oops that just went down the wrong pipe."
Well being the idiot I was as a kid (lmao) I though that because they said, for example, that their drink went down the "wrong pipe" that that meant there was a "pipe" for food and a "pipe" for drink, and that the drink went down the food "pipe". I learned pretty quickly that that's nowhere near true lol.

Tbh tho I still don't really understand how it works. I don't know **** about anatomy so I had to look up an article just now on how it all works. It's wild, man.

Wait same omg I thought this to. Like we have 2 'pipes' one for breathing and one that food and drink goes down and that they merge into one pipe more down in our throats.
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Back in about 2009 for Martin Luther King day, I thought he was still alive and I thought we were all going to meet him, I was definitely excited about that. When that day came and nothing really happened, I was confused and told my parents that I thought we were going to meet him. My parents told me he died long ago, and that's how I learned about death too.
I use to believe if you swallow a watermelon seed, it will grow inside of you. O_O
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Wait same omg I thought this to. Like we have 2 'pipes' one for breathing and one that food and drink goes down and that they merge into one pipe more down in our throats.

I also thought you had 2 stomaches one for dinner one for dessert maybe that’s just because I was a fat kid and loved desserts.
I was never believing in any religion, hell, heaven etc.. but for whatever reason
I believed that if I ever used any bad word I would end up in hell and have bad luck for the rest of my life.
Might be hard to believe, but I didn't use any swearwords until I was like 15. Then I started a bit accidentally
by singing songs, lol. When I met my boyfriend he was triggered that I never used any bad words / censored
any f words, etc. when singing a song.. I can confirm: Using bad words doesn't give you endless bad luck!
When I was little (like 4yo), I thought those mannequins on clothes shops were actual people, and you could BUY them so they would become part of your family. So I thought my aunt used to be a mannequin.

I though that all traffic lights were operated by some people who had cameras a around the city, and they would press a button to change the lights to green, red or yellow.

I also thought that there were kilometers-tall walls between the borders of each country that reached outer space, and so if you flew to another country the airplane would have to fly to the space and then down again.
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1. I thought the streets control cars as if they (the streets) were machines.
2. Tornadoes are like black holes. Once you get sucked up completely, you’re gone.

I should think of some more.
my father had me convinced for years that if i didn’t eat enough vegetables, i’d grow a bunch of bodily hair
I use to think that every dream I had was just me seeing what was happening in all of my other lives in different universes
- Other languages function the same as mine but with slightly different words.
- Attraction is only possible between people of opposite gender. Like we're all characters in a video game and there's no option to romance your own gender or smth (does that mean gay people hack life? that's my headcanon now)
- dude the moon's following me
I have another, but it’s about TV.

In the SpongeBob episode No Weenies Allowed, I thought the robot was going to turn SpongeBob into a hot dog like how Patrick was turned into a tuna can in another episode.
I have another, but it’s about TV.

In the SpongeBob episode No Weenies Allowed, I thought the robot was going to turn SpongeBob into a hot dog like how Patrick was turned into a tuna can in another episode.

In speaking of that episode, when I was a kid I always thought the robot said "why not make a bike" instead of "why not pick a fight." Even now it's a bit difficult to discern lol.
As a kid my parents told me it was illegal to drive with the interior light on in the car

You too???

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The moon would follow us everywhere we went, even if we we driving really fast. I know I can't be the only one.
I got told that clouds came from the nuclear power plant.. oh boy was that wrong...