Artistic, autistic, and just generally tired
February 17th
Well, 'short but sweet' is definitely is an accurate phrase to describe today. I'm feeling slightly short on energy lately: I haven't got as much done in-game, I've been trying to find the time to draw gijinka's of some villagers (Milestone moment: I finally almost spelled that right on the first go!), and I've frankly been struggling with the dailies already. I don't really want to miss a day of posting, so I'll keep going, but I fear that sooner or later, I might have to skip a post. Well, today is not that day!
So Isabelle started off with a big announcement: I had been waiting on something in-game for the really long-term, and the good news had finally arrived.
I've finally unlocked the second and (hopefully) final Nook's Cranny upgrade!

Well, my morning routine has become a bit hectic with all there is to do in the game on a daily basis, but I somehow made it manageable. I usually start my day off with a reading from Katrina, go over to the archipelago from there, skim the place for cute villagers, and then head on back to Crayola to hunt for fossils, find the Bell Rock, find the money tree planting spot, pick up some shells, and just generally earn Bells. After that, I do the daily Nook Mile missions that give double rewards, and see if I have any ideas on how the island should look.
So Katrina was my first stop: I got the good health luck again. I haven't gotten a bad luck prediction so far yet, but I honestly keep getting the health thing lately.
After that, I hopped by the archipelago, and who do I find at the entrance?
Leif! Turns out he was invited by Lottie to talk about flowers at the School. So I decided to see what this is all about: my character shows him where that building is, I get a little cutscene, and he basically asks a question about hybrid flowers. It was a really easy one: he wanted to know what colour a red and white flower would produce. I mean, the answer was obvious: pink! I think it was even about Mums, and those flowers have practically taken over my island at this point.
He talks about how they won't always produce a hybrid flower, so I've just been darned lucky with getting a few, I guess? Getting more hybrid flowers is really easy if you have two of the same colour, though. Like, the chance of two purple Mums producing two purple Mums is disproportionately high compared to trying to get one out of normal, common flowers. The flower genetics in this game do jumble things up a bit compared to the hybrid flower mechanics in New Leaf, though.
An after this bit of dialogue, I actually unlocked the ability to decorate vacation homes with hybrid flowers! Good thing, since I have done a few exteriors where I really wanted to use them in the yard. So I guess I'll have some remodeling to do!
It was actually quite the day on the archipelago, as I had also unlocked the ability to make villagers roommates! Petri was actually the one who walked in on this little tutorial on how to do that, so this was a good opportunity to remodel that mess of a house of hers. I found it a funny idea to have her room together with Chadder: two mice, and there's a joke about a cheese in there somewhere. Also, a quick look at the wiki later showed that Chadder is Smug and Petri is Snooty, so good thing that their personalities wouldn't clash.
Well, I'm still not 100% happy with how this turned out: I somehow can't help but mess up when it comes to Petri.

Man, I love partition walls, since they do help you plan the vacation homes of these villagers better. I mean, it's nice that not everything has to be an open plan. But those partition walls sure have their flaws... I mean, why won't Nintendo either let me put doors in them in any capacity? I dunno, it just feels so weird to have bathrooms not have a door at all, for example. Same on bedrooms: where's the privacy for the villagers? I know that I'd personally feel uncomfortable in a bathroom with no door. Especially with a roommate that could walk in on me at any given moment! I dunno, I could just imagine a villager feeling lowkey a bit uncomfortable with something like that.
Oh well, at least Chadder seems to approve of the sink...
I mean, these bedrooms are absolutely tiny for my standards! Like, how would you even move around in here after waking up in the morning? If I had a second floor here already, then I'd probably place Chadder's bedroom upstairs, and just have Petri's on the ground floor. And I would've 100% made a separate kitchen room for Chadder to practice his little cheese-making hobby. And if I had space left, then Petri would've gotten her own laboratory as well.
I did also unlock soundscapes, though, so only one more house until I get a second floor to play with. Because when I got back, my favorite character was missing from the shop... Lottie said he was taking a break, and had been rambling on about how hard I work. Hmm, Wardell in a chatty mood? That doesn't sound like my homeboy's usual MO, I had better go check up on him.
Ah, so this is what he does on a break! Well, Wardell, I don't blame you: I have to admit that the rushing of the ocean here is pretty relaxing... And the ocean view here is really nice. I frankly prefer the view from the spot on the cliff, but each to their own, man.
It seems that he did open up a little to me, because the shop also had a new feature. I think that today marks the most that Wardell has ever said to anyone!
Duely noted, my dude. I have more Poki then I know what to do with, though. I've just been checking back here daily to see if there's anything in the shop that I want. For example: the chandelier in the background (on the far upper left in the screenshot) might not be the colour that I want, but it's a new catalog entry, and I can always try to trade it for the colour that I do want on Nookazon later.
So for the rest, I flew back to Crayola, and designed a vacation home for Monique before I went about my dailies.
Well, she's a Snooty villager, so I have my work cut out for me. She seemed to absolutely love some of my furniture choices: she's especially a fan of some flowers and plants that I chose. Like, she legit had a little heart over her head when I placed those flowers on the far right in the first screenshot of the finished room.
She also loved this little powder booth vanity in her bedroom.
Looking back, I might add an effect to the bathtub in her bathroom later. I can get so caught up in decorating in the moment, and I'm usually more focused on whether the villager can actually reach their furniture or not while I'm busy. So I tend to completely forget about polishing effects most of the time.
Well, Monique wasn't exactly complaining about the 50 inch tv that I gave her either. I really didn't know what to do with the little nook behind it, so I just put a little hall table with cute stuff on it, put the phonograph on there for audio purposes, and called it a day. She absolutely loved that big flower thing I put in the corner, though.
After this, it was time to go back home to Crayola, as the villager offerings over at the archipelago were absolutely horrible: I got nothing but weird-looking villagers there. Nothing interesting on the beach, nothing interesting in the café, nothing interesting in the restaurant, it was crappy all around. Lobo really was the only highlight today, and things went downhill from there. So it was about time to head on back.
I did get darned lucky this morning: Leif had finally sent me the DIY for a veggie basket!
I do need some produce for it that I'm haven't gotten my hands on yet, but I was looking to get more different produce to begin with. So this is only spurring me on to go get that done. I am already growing some sugarcane and potatoes, and I did plant some pumpkins recently. So let's hope those turn out to be orange, because those are the ones I need for the recipe.
I did want to open up Leif's shop on Harvey's island, so I guess that's going to be my next goal. I could frankly knock it out in one go at this point, but I also want to save up to pay off my million-Bell Nook debt. So I guess we're still keeping it at 20k IGB a day on this one.
Well, the highlights for today ended at Flick visiting today. So I got a few extra Bells on selling insects today, and commissioned him for a model. Gotta support a fellow artist, right?
Flick is actually one of the special characters that I want an amiibo of to invite him to my archipelago, since I just like him more then C.J. I dunno, the bug talk is sometimes a little creepy, but I just generally vibe with this character more. Which reminds me: I should really find the time to catch more bugs and more fish after tomorrow, since I want to complete my critterpedia someday. On fish, I'm still missing the Tuna, Blue Marlin, Coelacanth, Ranchu Goldfish, and Koi. And on bugs, I'm still missing the Mole Cricket, Ant, Fly, Snail, and Tarantula.
I am looking forward to the new critterpedia entries in March, though: I especially want an orchid mantis, because they're just so pretty. I'd probably use the model for decorating my island if I can get my hands on it: tell me that it wouldn't look amazing in the bamboo forest! Those mantises might be really rare, but if I'd want multiple models, then I'd have until November to catch enough. So if I keep at the bug hunt, then I should be good. I am struggling a bit with what to place the actual mantis model on, as the bamboo furniture series left me hanging on that one. I do have some promising options for that already, but I still have plenty of time to figure that out.
Thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed!