Artistic, autistic, and just generally tired
March 9th
Well, it had been a short day today, buy boy, was it ever an an eventful one! Let's start this story at the beginning, though.
First up was my daily visit to Katrina.
Well, a little good friendship luck definitely can't hurt, especially since I haven't gotten any villager photo's that I wanted yet. I'm kind of keeping Phoebe, Monique and Tiansheng around for that purpose, but you will be seeing the latter two on my archipelago. I'm usually not a fan of Jock villagers to begin with, but Tiansheng sort of grew on me over time. And I just like Monique for both her sense of style, and just because she ends up being this sort of over the top kind of person once you poke through the Snooty personality type. Like, you'd expect she'd initially act like one of those mean girl characters, but she was always pretty okay to be around.
Also, Isabelle announced that Flick was actually visiting today, so I took the opportunity to finally get that Orchid Mantis model made! I was going to place one in the bamboo forest, so I knew this was my chance. So I grabbed those 3 Orchid Mantises that had been sitting in my living room for a while now, and went over to go get this done first.
I've also unloaded some of the more expensive bugs in my storage on him, and my patience definitely paid off: after running the numbers, I've earned around 130k IGB from this alone today! And the second run wasn't even a full inventory of bugs. Flick, you're an absolute lifesaver when it comes to that massive Nook debt.

Also, that's not the only work that got done on the bamboo forest: a few trees I had planted around the natural onsen area had produced shoots today.
So since they'd definitely not grow where they ended up being, I had dug these up, and planted those further around the place like I usually do with new bamboo shoots. A few trees should be growing to the south of it in a while. I don't want this area to be fully obscured by the trees, but it would be cute to at least have it partially hidden to have it serve as a bit of a secret area. Like, you'll know it's there, but you'll only fully see it if you'd go to actually check it out.
I did notice the good friendship luck, though: Two villagers had a ping today! First up was Spike, teaching me the Sheepishness Reaction.
Since English isn't my first language, I legit had to look up the definition of that: a grin of embarrassment or of a lack of confidence... Well, I definitely don't have any confidence issues! I guess I'm saving this one for when I'm embarrassed in some way that would warrant an awkward giggle. I often try and joke to lighten the mood when I'm nervous, which isn't always a good thing. I mean, I have a decent sense of humor, but sometimes, this nervous habit isn't helping, so I tend to push it down whenever a joke would be highly inappropriate. So I guess I'm saving this Reaction for when a joke falls flat.
Also, Biff gave me a gift: A Cube Light. I have no use for it in my house, so I fully intend to just catalog this and sell it off.
Also, O'Hare actually applauded me for catching a Wasp today. I have been showing them who's boss on a more regular basis, so thanks for the support, dude!
After that, I went to the Roost on a Nook Mile task. No special characters there today, but it was nice to at least say hello to Brewster. He's the OG quiet guy in the squad, after all: gotta wonder what a conversation between him and Wardell would look like.
After that, I decided to go and visit a Kapp'n island: I got the vine island.
Now I've heard that this vine island is quite rare to get and that you're really lucky to even go there, and people tend to go absolutely crazy over this one. I understand why, since without the DLC, this is the only place to get Vines and Glowing Moss. But I really didn't know there was such a low chance of even getting here, since I've been sent there like 3 times already. And that's counting this one. I think I had it unlocked really early on: knowing my usual luck on randomized stuff like this (in more hardcore games, the RNG tends to hate me), I kind of assumed it was just some more common island.
There's definitely some nice DIY's to find here, though. Some of the items crafted with the two materials found here are really pretty. I mean: the Gowing-Moss Dress is criminally underrated if you're going for anything faircore.
Here's all the loot from this island:
After emptying out my inventory and storing everything caught worth over 1k IGB, though, I almost completely forgot about checking the archipelago! So I drag myself over, and lo and behold: I almost missed out on one of my dream villagers having arrived there!
I didn't have an idea for his home yet, and we know that I won't settle for anything but the best when it comes to my dreamies. So I just snapped him up while I had the chance, placed the mandatory items, and left the photo blank to mark his vacatiuon home as 'still in progress'.
Also, I always check who replaces any villager I build vacation homes for. For example: if you find Cherry on the beach and build her a vacation home, then another villager will replace her on that beach. Apollo was replaced by none other then Zucker, and I definitely wanted him around. I had no clue on what to do with his house, though. I also wasn't planning on Ketchup having any roommates, and I originally just gave her house a basic diner theme with her as the chef. But the idea of two food-themed villagers living together was just too awesome, so I recruited Zucker as a waiter.
I know his basic look stands out way too much with this theme, but don't worry, I gave him a more appropriate uniform later. It's only his first day on the job, after all.
Well, this is about where I called it a day. I kind of forgot to screenshot my progress on the Nook debt today, so I sadly only have rough estimates instead of precise numbers today. But I do know I was starting to make some headway on it at around 1600k or 1700k IGB out of 2498k IGB. So far so good, right? Give it a few more days, and I'll finally get into more affordable territory again when it comes to these. With a little luck, I'm honestly expecting to be rid of this one by the end of next week. From what I've read, the next debts are 500k, 700k, and then turn up to a more challenging 900k and 1200k IGB again. But If I can drum up a good 2 and a half million Bells in this game, then 1,2 million should definitely be achievable by comparison.
Thank you for reading, and hope you enjoyed!