close please!

Hey muppet man can you make me a DSi sig?, I wan tto see your job I already seen chubsterrs job and it was awesome, now is your turn.

info: make it like you want just it have to say: StbAn
StbAn said:
Hey muppet man can you make me a DSi sig?, I wan tto see your job I already seen chubsterrs job and it was awesome, now is your turn.

info: make it like you want just it have to say: StbAn
yup, added to the list
Guys im leaving the shop for now.

Gonna go play some brawl if anybody wants to play PM ME.

Muppetman any requests made to me add them to the bottom of your first post.
Ill grab them when i come back and add them to my list. Ill do the same for you when you're offline.
-Chubster has stepped out-
chubsterr said:
muppetman said:
Bita said:
could both of you do the sig i requested and I'll chose the one i like best?
theres always one isnt there >.<
ill make your sig, if your not happy then request again, requested to chub
good idea Muppetman.

I have added a status at the bottom of my first post.

Check it out to keep up with my sigs
any of you too can make the sig :p
your both great
Wow i may have to think of a new design to request because i loved the first 1 but i need a change of scenery in my sig
Wow, never known a thread to reach nearly 300 views in 15mins....
and so many gonna get crackin'
just thought if I should post request here :p
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;"> Image: I want picture of the able sisters (including labelle)
Background: make it all cute and pink-ish with scoowegaly ( ~ ) lines that are light blue
text: ~Bita~ (please write it on the right bottom corner )
extra info: I want like them to be back to back like cool looking xD
here are some images i would suggest to use:

could you make them like labelle in middle then one sister on one side of labelle and the other on the other side?

Sorry for making it complicated DX

Oh and also make an avy with just the part of the sisters (including labelle)
ok i need a siggy i am assining chubsterr for this i want it to be a pic of panda apple the main colors should be red and blue make it cute k?
it should say Kiley-of-leafvill in blue thx!
you all seem to be good at signatures how do i get mine on my TBT Signature thing!
Ive saved it now what
and do i have oi save it as like a JPEG or something? >.<
pippy1 your sig is complete, hope you like it =]

Champ22 said:
muppetman do me a sig with all the colred genomes from mpo+
i dont think you realised but before i hopped shops i finished yours...

muppetman said:
pippy1 your sig is complete, hope you like it =]

thnx muppetman
I want muppet to do this one.

Main Character:

2nd character:

I want the 2nd character to be on the left hand side corner at the bottom.

I also want this one on the right hand corner

Please give me 2 choices. One with a blue background, black border. The 2nd choice to be eevees color with a black border. Make a nice design in the back. Thanks!