close please!

Pup101 said:
I want chub to do this one.

Main Character:

2nd character:

I want the 2nd character to be on the left hand side corner at the bottom.

I also want this one on the right hand corner

Please give me 2 choices. One with a blue background, black border. The 2nd choice to be eevees color with a black border. Thanks!
Didn't you just have a sig or two made? Why don't you enjoy your new sig for a while and let these guys work on someone else? There are a few people with pretty old sigs that really need a new one, but your over here asking for one or two sigs when you just got two new ones. I would recommend you wait a little while before changing your sig again. Besides the ones you've got now look amazing! ^_^
right I'm off for the night, chub and i should be back tomoro. bita, im halfway through yours =]
Earth your signature is complete.

If i may add, i had a lot of fun with this signature! Hope i get more requests like yours.
Anyway here it is.




Heres the code if you decide to use it

Earth let me know if you like it or not, if u don't u might want Muppetman to make you something.

If you do, enjoii!
hey chubsterr

the one you made for earth just then wuz awesome

can you make mine like that?
Waluigi said:
hey chubsterr

the one you made for earth just then wuz awesome

can you make mine like that?
if u mean with the split color scheme like his, yeah i can do that.
Waluigi said:
yea make sure its a yellow background for waluigi and a red one for ike :)
Alright if you can post that on your request post, just to make sure i dont forget >_<
<big><big><big>-Closing Shop, i think it's time for chubster to go to sleep, 4am already-</big></big></big>

<small><small>To muppetman.
Nothing new really just finished earths sig.
oh just because u canged shop then ill give you my info again

Main Sig Character: link (in zelda)
Secondary Character:dont want one
Main color:green
Secondary Color:different green
Font: dont care
ps: can you put my username on it and animate link please and thank you
chubsterr said:
Earth your signature is complete.

If i may add, i had a lot of fun with this signature! Hope i get more requests like yours.
Anyway here it is.




Heres the code if you decide to use it


first of all, you've joined up!!! thats great!!!

welll, i red im currently workin on Earth sig an i was like :O YAAAAAAY!!!!
and then i read you finished it so i was like YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!
:D i love it i love it i love it!!!! thank you thank you thank you!!!!
Its excactly what i wanted!!!!!! =D

thanks again an again for the amazing sig :) now my sig space wont be empty :p
For my signature could you do something similar to Fitzies please?
I'm already on the request list but something related to Animal Crossing but with my name in Pixel Text and the colour scheme is White and Red and make it look the same style as fitzys please :D