(Closed) The Looking For Thread (New Horizons Edition)

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LF any of the following. I have IGB and some hybrid lilies. Name your price:


Hi! Are you still looking for Maddie? She'll be in boxes on my island tomorrow if so, and she's free to a good home! She's moving out naturally (she asked).
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Looking for Pietro! Willing to pay in IGB or TBT mostly, but open to other discussions!!
Specifically, I would love to adopt/buy one of the following villagers:
Reneigh, Plucky, Raymond, Marshall, Henry, Julian, Ken
Prince is in boxes today, DM me or comment on this post!
Looking for Poppy. I would like to see proof of her asking to move out though. I’m willing to pay 50 NMT!
Looking for Rosie, Olivia, Julian, and Muffy. Currently have a full occupancy. Raymond is currently in campsite (if relevant). If someone could be uncharacteristically altruistic or kindly strike up a reasonable compromise for them, it would be amazing. :)
I'm looking for Marshal, Vesta and Ruby for my own island, while I'm also looking for Audie, Rosie, Freya, Raymond, Coco and Wolfgang for my friends.

I have Tia, Bunnie, Muffy and Aurora on my island that I'm willing to sell for nmt or trade for any of the above. I also have Julian and Maple who I am only willing to part with for one of the above villagers.
looking for frita (i had her in new leaf and miss her dearly), i'm willing to pay nmt or igb if anyone is looking to get rid of her
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