(Closed) The Looking For Thread (New Horizons Edition)

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I am looking for Pippy! Please let me know if you have her available! Feel free to DM me :)
Good morning~ looking for fauna and lily for my island, thank you to anyone who can help!
LF: Raymond / FT: Fauna, Diana, Audie, Marina + 300 NMTs on top of any of them. Or message me if you're looking for anything else.
I'm currently looking for: Molly, Felicity, Katt, Teddy, preferably all in original form. I can pay in NMT/igb. Please PM if you have them in boxes (or plan to get them out).
Update: am looking for vesta, tangy, and ruby!!!!! Will offer nmt and lots of bells! (And potentially items you may want)
Looking for Diana, Sherb, Genji, Francine, and Chrissy! Can offer Octavian, Beau, Whitney, NMT and bells!
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