(Closed) The Looking For Thread (New Horizons Edition)

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Hi! I have an open plot today!! Looking for Maddie, Savannah, or Whitney :) I don’t have a whole lot to offer, but let me know what your looking for!
I'm looking for: Stitches, Marshal, Judy & Raymond.

Let me know what you would like?
I can also offer some of my current villagers in my siggy :)
LF: Bill, Chief, Dotty
Can pay in IG bells, TBT bells, NMT.
Can trade Genji, Poppy or Audie.
Thank you!

Also if you have Nana, please DM me, a friend is looking for her! I can offer TBT & more :)
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Looking for Hazel! I'll give anyone 10nmt for her! Also I have Bianca in boxes if anyone is interested.
Looking for Audie, Marshal, Coco, Zucker, Dizzy or Fang! Can only afford 20 NMT’s but can pay in Bells (depending on the price) Would love to get them for free as I don’t have much but would love to know what people are looking for in return for any of these!!
Looking for Wart Jr / Tangy. Can trade for meringue when she moves or will discuss what payment you want.
Lf: Fuchsia, Felicity, Rosie
Ft: Chief, Vivian, Merengue, Kyle
If you're interested in any of the above villagers i might also trade them for a smug.
Shoot me a dm :)
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I want Sterling the knight Eagle so bad. I've got Knox the knight chicken and I need his eagle companion. They're my island protectors.
looking for pango (!!), annalisa, cyrano, phoebe, genji (!!), dobie (!!)

pinky is also moving away from my island if anyone wants her for free~ thread here!
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