(Closed) The Looking For Thread (New Horizons Edition)

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Anybody want Coco? Not in boxes yet but she wants to move away. I can get in her boxes asap. I didn't give her any gift (maybe one shirt). Offers in NMT or I can trade with Flurry or Apple.
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Not looking for anyone in particular but Sally is in boxes if anyone wants her!
Hey everyone! I’m looking for Tybalt :D Please PM me if you have him in boxes
Thank you in advance!
I am (surprise) looking for Raymond 🤍 He is my last dreamie and I can’t wait to invite him ☺️ I am not getting him to resell and I don’t care if he’s “original” or not. I’ve already made a personalized yard for him 💕💕
Please DM me to discuss your prices. I have some NMT, IGB, and a couple gold nuggies.
Thank you~

I'm looking for Beau, Fauna, Judy + Raymond.
I have Merengue for trade if interested.
I can offer in IGB or NMT (prefer igb) or I can pay in art (see instagram). Please DM me to discuss!
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I restarted my game since my brother bought his own console. So I lost my 2 fave villagers Hazel and Apollo.

Looking for the two of them! Thank you!
Hi! I really want Merengue and haven’t been able to find her in game. I have stitches and Monique & would be willing to swap either of them or pay in bells if anyone is looking to trade!
Looking for Bob, I can offer 21 NMT and/or 5 mil bells! I also have 10 star fragments & quite a few spare random recipes, hmu if you wanna know which ones!
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