total trash
I am really looking for Dom. He’s my last dreamie and I love him
I have Julian, I’m looking for NMT. PM me an offerI'm looking for Erik, Olivia and Julian...
Looking for: Agnes (non-starter home if that carries over), Del, Poppy, Amelia, Willow, Wade, Raymond
Although, I do have the following for trades:
Olaf (god please leave), Murphy, Iggly, Roscoe, Norm, Pudge
Id be happy for you take take that creep off my island xD But I dont TT, so it might be awhile before he moves if you're okay with thatI have Del and willing to trade for Olaf (not a favorite or anything but I can trade him out later
Id be happy for you take take that creep off my island xD But I dont TT, so it might be awhile before he moves if you're okay with that
Sounds good!Ok let me know and I’ll let you know when Del decides to move