(Closed) The Looking For Thread (New Horizons Edition)

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LF Lily (just won Lucky in an auction today so I only have one plot left that I could put up tomorrow)
Willing to pay NMTs
I'm looking for Papi (original). Willing to pay in NMTs.
A villager is moving out on Thursday so I'll have an empty plot by then, please PM me if you have him!
I was island hopping on my second switch and I got Raymond. I have him on my main island, so this is a spare. LOL.

I will have an auction or a selling post soon.


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Anyone have Boomer? Need him for Boomer island lol. I have a plot open now and would like to go back to present time 😂
would anyone want wade? he just asked to leave and i need a plot open for another trade!!
someone got him :)
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hi there! i have olivia on my island and flurry in my campsite rn, i could work on moving them both out if you'd both be interested?
i'll be leaving flurry soon unless anyone is interested, because i'd like to get to terraforming my island today! ^.^ shes not typically anyone i'm wanting rn
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