(Closed) The Looking For Thread (New Horizons Edition)

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I have original Freya in boxes which I had picked up from my campsite.



LF bells/nmt offers!

Just a heads up when you come to get her, island is under construction, please bring your ladder and vaulting pole!
I'm LF Rosie, Cookie, Daisy, Megan, or Maple! I won't have a plot open until tomorrow. Just let me know what you want!
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i have kyle on my island as an amiibo villager if anyone wants him! i am accepting IGB offers!
pm me if interested!
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I'm cycling out Kiki today to make room for another villager! PM me if you're interested. She's only been gifted a dress, but that can be reset through Isabelle.
No longer looking for Lucky! I just got him! ;u; <3
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Like everyone else I’m looking for Raymond :)

I can offer a lot of NMT + some DIY recipes and a stack of gold nuggets. I will also trade Marshal or Beau too for him (that’s including everything else)
My friend is looking for Tasha! She's offering 20+ NMT! Please DM me and I'll forward you to her Discord!
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