(Closed) The Looking For Thread (New Horizons Edition)

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I'm about to go to bed but figured I'd give a shoutout to ask if anyone has this beautiful boy to trade/giveaway. Curlos_NH.png
He'll be loved and have a forever home with me~ he's the 10th sheep I'm after and the last one needed to fill out my whole island!
Looking for Bob or Bunnie to be my lazy or peppy villager. Have a few NMT, a little bells and some crafting materials to offer!
LF Judy. I've spent over 100 NMT looking for her but no luck. I do have some Good villager amibo cards.
looking for: zucker and kabuki! willing to pay nmt, igb, and tbt!
Looking for Antonio offering 80 NMT for him!

Don't currently have a spot and more looking for someone who has him and willing to TT him out possibly tomorrow?
I know it's a long shot, but I'm looking for the hot-dog & fries loving sheep, Frita!
I know someone getting rid of Frita if you are still looking. It would be 20 NMT. It was supposed to go to me but my lot filled unexpectedly overnight
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