Junior Member
Hello!!! I was looking to see of you still had Molly to adopt? Im HAPPY to tip NMT/ frags/ wishlist or anything can give for this sweet lil quacker. She's the last of my 10 to call my island home~Void~
Hello!!! I was looking to see of you still had Molly to adopt? Im HAPPY to tip NMT/ frags/ wishlist or anything can give for this sweet lil quacker. She's the last of my 10 to call my island home~Void~
I have Cheri on my island. I can get her to leave and we can set up a trade for later today?LF: Cheri the Peppy Cub
I'm willing to offer 20 NMTs, or an equivalency of IGB which I believe is 80,000 IGB (if I'm not mistaken). Please PM if you have Cheri, I would appreciate it!
Got her! Thank you!!LF: Cheri the Peppy Cub (100% original)
I'm willing to offer 20 NMTs, or an equivalency of IGB which I believe is 80,000 IGB (if I'm not mistaken). Please PM if you have Cheri, I would appreciate it!
looking for Wade, Hornsby, or Stella!
ill pm you!Are you still looking for Wade? He's moving out right now for me.
Got my reindeerLF scoot and erik. I can offer bells, NMT or a villager. I have Renee, Cheri, and Astrid
I have Olaf leaving today, can you message me if interested?STILL LOOKING FOR MF OLAF