(Closed) The Looking For Thread (New Horizons Edition)

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LF scoot and erik. I can offer bells, NMT or a villager. I have Renee, Cheri, and Astrid
Looking for Julian, Octavian, Judy or Ruby for my space themed island, Sandy is in boxes today.
Looking for TIPPER! A friend of mine really wants her, please let me know and how much it'd cost! Thank you
Got her! Thank you!!

LF: Cheri the Peppy Cub (100% original)
I'm willing to offer 20 NMTs, or an equivalency of IGB which I believe is 80,000 IGB (if I'm not mistaken). Please PM if you have Cheri, I would appreciate it! :)
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LF: Cheri the Peppy Cub
I'm willing to offer 20 NMTs, or an equivalency of IGB which I believe is 80,000 IGB (if I'm not mistaken). Please PM if you have Cheri, I would appreciate it! :)
I have Cheri on my island. I can get her to leave and we can set up a trade for later today?
I have an empty plot tomorrow and still looking for Nan!
Looking for Drift, Deirdre, Marshal, Maelle, Beau, Felicity, & Wart Jr. I'm offering NMT.
They don't have to be 100% original, but I want them to have original clothing & no extras given to them.​
LF: Cheri the Peppy Cub (100% original)
I'm willing to offer 20 NMTs, or an equivalency of IGB which I believe is 80,000 IGB (if I'm not mistaken). Please PM if you have Cheri, I would appreciate it! :)
Got her! Thank you!!
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LF Tex, Leonardo, Bob, or Cyd. I can offer IGB and NMT as well as items I may have that you want!
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