I'm looking for Dotty! She shares the most favourite villager with Colton, whom I already have... I would be sooo happy with her.
The villagers I want to leave my island are Antonio, Henry, Mint and Del, so if someone is interested in any of them let me know and I'll try to remember it for when they want to leave!
Hey all! I'll have Bitty moving out (though I don't mind TT to get them out faster) and I really want Marshal! He's my all time fave. I currently have around 3 mil bells plus maybe 20 NMT to offer? That would wipe me out of nook miles and only leave enough bells to finish my house upgrade, so it's pretty much all I have. I could also craft or order you stuff, I have a solid amount of cherry blossom recipes. We can work something out, I'm super flexible.
Without TT, there's a 2 day window, because Bitty will be in boxes tomorrow, then the plot will be open the next day (Friday). After that, I'm worried some rando villager will take the plot overnight. But, as I mentioned, I will 100% TT no problems to speed up the process, I want my lil marshmallow.
I don't remember if this is allowed on Belltree... (if it isn't someone lmk and I'll remove it) but I will deadass paypal/cashapp/whatever you the price I was looking into paying for an amiibo card for him. I believe it was around 4USD.
Also if anyone wants Bitty, LMK I'll give her to ya for free!
Reply or DM me if you're interested!
Thank you!
Longshot but LF: Audie and Judy.
I can offer IGB and I've got a variety of high tier villagers on amiibo that I can move out naturally via TTing. Good luck to everyone and finding their dreamies!