(Closed) The Looking For Thread (New Horizons Edition)

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Hi everyone! I'm still desperately looking for Teddy :) Would prefer him ungifted, but light gifted works fine too!
Can mainly offer NMT and IGB. Thank you!
Still searching for an ungifted/lightly gifted Sherb. I'll have a plot available on Wednesday- DM me if you'd like to trade. Can do IGB/NMT/TBT's in offers.

EDIT: Got me a Sherb! Thanks to a kind TBTer!
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Updated dreamie list for new horizons

And also if the text is in blue that villager is one I'm looking for.
If it's red I will litterally do anything ANYTHING to get that villager.

Pecan (i already have her in New leaf)
Yeah I'm trying to get more "popular" villagers. Luckily for me most of my favorites are overated/kinda popular.
As someone with judy, now I feel like a God that my game randomly spawned her on the FIRST TICKET. 😇😦
Looking for an ungifted Skye. Will have an open plot tomorrow 9/9. Can pay NMT. Edit - found her
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Looking for Agnes! I'll have an open slot tomorrow, but I'll time travel to get her today if someone has her. Willing to pay in NMT or IGB.

DM me, please :)
Updated dreamie list for new horizons

And also if the text is in blue that villager is one I'm looking for.
If it's red I will litterally do anything ANYTHING to get that villager.

Pecan (i already have her in New leaf)
Yeah I'm trying to get more "popular" villagers. Luckily for me most of my favorites are overated/kinda popular.
As someone with judy, now I feel like a God that my game randomly spawned her on the FIRST TICKET. 😇😦
I can give you Marshall later this week.
Evening friends! Once again I am looking for ANY Wolf villager please!!!!
I don't have much to exchange, a decent amount of bells or a couple NMTs I can give.

I already have:
Dobie, Kyle, Audie and Whitney
i have lobo and freya if you’re interested
I’m looking for Raymond, Lucky, Cookie, Julian or Lily :) message me if you want to make a deal
I’ve been looking for KiKi forever!!!! Please DM me if you have her! I can pay bells.
Hi there! Looking for Teddy please!! Have spent wayyy too many tickets trying to find him!!
Can give bells/NMT/potentially wish list items depending on what you want!!
Hi, I have Audie in boxes at the moment, but she's only available for a few hours.

I have only owned her for about a fortnight, and the only thing I have given her is a hat because it was her birthday recently.

I'm giving her away, but some bells or nmt would be GREATLY appreciated.(Nmt would be preferred)

Thank you :)
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