(Closed) The Looking For Thread (New Horizons Edition)

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LF: Vivian!
She is my last dreamie, please let me know if anyone has her up for trade so I can complete my villager roster! I have a lot of bells and tbt so lmk your price c:
Hiya! I have Vivian’s amiibo that I can scan in for you. I’m not too familiar with villager prices here yet, though she was offered 25 nmt last time, so I think that would work. c:
still looking for (preferably ungifted) baabara ! please help me achieve my very last dreamie goals 🙏🏻

can offer tbt, IGB or NMT and endless appreciation and adoration! 😜 thanks so much
LF an ungifted Rudy! can pay in NMT, TBT, bells, wishlist items :~) just lmk! <3

I have an Ungifted Rudy in boxes if you're still looking for him! Looking for Crescent moon chairs (pink), bells, and TBT currency.

EDIT: He Sold. :(
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Hi there, I'm new to NH so don't have anything to offer other than tbt,

Looking for Bones and Coco :)

Thank you!

I'm looking for Wart Jr., Tasha or Teddy at the moment :)

I'll also have Apollo in boxes in the near future in case anyone is interested in him!
Looking for Lolly, Mitzi or Kiki! I have Merengue in my island atm, but also as an amiibo card, along with Marshal!
LF Hopkins, Cole, or Wade! I currently don’t have an open plot but will try to move out Drago or Erik for a new lazy! I’d also accept NMT to look for a replacement lazy if someone has a lot and really wants D or Erik :)
Forget what I said earlier. I would still like Cherry but am willing to pay more. I will now offer 200 TBT Bells for her.
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