(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Looking for Fang, or preferably Static. Willing to pay TBT bells, or IGB
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I have Bree in my cycling town, she is free and ready to go to a new home! If anyone would like her, I'll be keeping her up for a few hours so just send me a PM!
I think Kody disappeared from every acnl copy in the world. I still can't find him!

Please, message me if you have this cute, blue, jock bear!
Looking for Phoebe, Lily, and Chevre. Please PM me if you have any of them, and we can negotiate prices.
I am a little unsure of how this will work, but I will try it, anyhow! I am looking for my only dreamies: Marshal, Willow, and Grizzly. ♥ While I am uncomfortable with "buying" them, I would love to adopt or trade. c: Thank you!

Edit: Someone who is extremely kind has let me adopt Marshal! c: He will soon be moving into Edenvale, his forever home. <3
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Looking for Kiki, willing to pay bells. Please PM me if you have her. Also have Marshal in boxes right now and willing to trade for Kiki.
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Looking for Fang, Ankha, and or Static. Will pay 50 TBT bells for Static, and 300+ TBT bells for the tier 1 Ankha or Fang.
I hope I don't exceed the post limit here, but I realized it after I posted it:( It's too bad I guess.
I'm looking for any cranky villager who is free :)
I have space in my town and I'm available now!
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