(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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I'm desperately looking for Pietro the sheep clown!
I have Bob in my town or three million and hybrids :(
Currently looking for:



I can pay in IGB, TBT, wishlist items, other villagers I have, or almost anything!!!!
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If the trade with Marshal works,

I'd only search for
- Filbert
- Hamlet
- Pekoe
- Lolly

can offer TBT, IGB (not that much) or Rosie (only for Marshal/Lolly)!
Looking for Papi or Erik!

Or, any of these cranky wolves:

I can pay in either IGB or BTB, shoot me a message!
I'm looking for Robin the snooty bird. Feel free to PM me. I have lots of IGB and hybrids I can pay with.
I am looking for any dreamie in my signature, please! No room for them right know, but I'll try. So if you have any of them leaving your town, please message me! :D
Looking for Papi or Erik!

Also, looking for any of these cranky wolves:

I can pay in either BTB or IGB, please message me!
*rubs hands together* still looking for Scoot it's been many months since the search started
Forever grateful if he could live in Kokiri!!!
Lolly and Marshal obtained!

Still searching for:
- Hamlet
- Filbert
- Pekoe

I can offer a bit TBT and IGB.
I have yet to get a dreamie- fingers crossed!

Looking for: Diana, Marshal, Merengue, Julian, or Fauna

I have Whitney and Beau in my town currently and I'm willing to trade for one of the above cuties!
I also have a few hybrids and some bells but nothing in the millions, yet >.<

Thank you for reading!
I fell in love with Gala the normal pink Piggie!!! ❤ :) if I can adopt her from someone please lemme know!!! I really really want her.
I'll pay tbt or actual bells :) thank you so much!

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