(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Hi! I have room for two dreamies right now so please tell me if you have Henry, Butch, Portia, Phoebe, Dizzy
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LF stitches! I had him in my cycling town ready to move to my main town but lost him in a TT accident :-(( can pay IGB or TBT!
Trading poppy orig house or 90 for my boyfriends town not member yet so said I would look, short time available, looking for Whitney, Kyle, other wolves except Skye and fang or IGB for new poor town. Est will be gone by 9am minus sleep time so ASAP.

My town temp personal cycle Filbert, IGB or Ali, Alfonso, vesta, or Baabara. After him will be pecan pm me on her since he has to go first.
Also looking for LF list.
Looking for Chief. Willing to trade for tbt, etc.
Still selling/trading poppy for my fianc? before morning, if anyone wants to buy have one offer 3m IGB, she is orig in house aside pill bug he said and he is looking for Whitney so can even trade for her as well, he is wanting to rid starters including Poppy now getting ready, Rasher, Mathilda, Felicity, and Stimky if I can get them to pop in the next little bit is IGB poor so will take that or trades for wolves. Let me know on poppy if seeking her and have Whitney to trade or IGB over 5m.

Also own town, working on getting Filbert then Pecan out, and Alli, Alfonso, Baabara and Vesta in tomorrow unless someone sees this while in middle of working on his stuff as have my ds nearby in case is a quick pickup or trade/buy.
I have a spot open, and would love it if Agent S, Tangy, or Lolly (in that order but I'm not picky) To come and fill it! I have In game bells, TBT bells, items (a sloppy carpet is one), or Moe the lazy Cat.

If you want Moe, I'll time travel to get him out
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