(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Kiki has been my favorite AC character since the Gamecube version.. If anyone has her in boxes and needs her out, I would be more than happy to take her! I just got a new AC game after having mine stolen a year ago. Thanks in advance! :)
Hi there! I'm looking for Lobo, Drago, Bob, and Mint. I have tbt, igb, and various hybrids and bush starts to offer. Thank you!
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Looking for dream villagers in my signature. I offer up to 300 TBT, hybrid flowers, or anything else upon request.
Can anyone help me get Kiki?!? I have 9 cats in my town and need her!! Thanks!!
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so i have 10 in my town atm but Curt will be leaving in a few days so if someone has Lopez and can hold on to him until then that would be amazing
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