(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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I'm looking for Jeremiah, Ken and O'Hare ; v ;
Coco, Doc, and Cole are also nice replacement bunnies for O'Hare
Looking for Soleil tumblr_inline_mpkps4Mzoj1qz4rgp.gif and Statictumblr_inline_mpkruibDYn1qz4rgp.gif/Tomtumblr_inline_mpkk288WCr1qz4rgp.gif :)
EDIT: No longer looking for a cranky :> Still on the hunt for Soleil and probably Flurry :)
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If you want Mint, Vladimir or Croque, send me a PM. I accept tbt, in-game bells & villagers. I want cat/penguin villagers :)

I am currently searching for Flo, Friga, Sprinkle, Hopper, Bob, Kabuki, Monique, Rosie, Rudy, Olivia or Tom.

I can also pay for these villagers with millions of IGB! :cool:
Looking for Chrissy, bob/stitches or fang/chief, someone i can get today because I only have 8 villagers and dont want a random. I can pay in TBT and IGB, wishlist items, flowers, name what you want. thanks!
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