(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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I am looking for... myself.... o//o
My Rosie moved out of my sisters town a week ago without warning :'(
I just went on, her house plot was gone, im so depressed.
I want an all original rosie, so I can start my relationship with her from scratch.
200-300 TBT.
PM or DM me please :(
Still looking for Grizzly!! Pm or vm me if you have him (preferably in boxes/ready to move) and we'll work something out :blush:
Looking for Diana, Erik, Fauna and Merengue. Will pay 7 million bells and some rares or for free
Hey guys! I am looking for Hamlet, Rosie and Flurry. I am also looking for Skye, Lobo and Freya for my Fianc?. Thanks everyone! <3
Looking for an original Tabby. It seems like every time I find a cycling thread that has her the OP closes the thread before moving her out.
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