Looking for Colton, Ed, and Julian!
Check my signature to see what villagers I can trade!
I can offer items, I just have to check to see if I have what you want
I don't have much, but I can also offer any fruits and pink and red carnations
Thank you so much!
Currently LF: Beau/Chrissy/or Merry
whichever one is available at the moment.. I have 1 spot open and would like to fill that up before
I get some other villager. Please feel free to PM me ;-; ty!
Looking for Colton, Ed, and Julian!
Check my signature to see what villagers I can trade!
I can offer items, I just have to check to see if I have what you want
I don't have much, but I can also offer any fruits and pink and red carnations
Thank you so much!