(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Anyone looking for Merengue? I have her in my cycling town and am gonna try to get her out today.
I was planning on autcioning her, but PM me with a fair price and she's yours as soon as she's in boxes :)
(Ill be gone for the next hour or so doing some shopping, but I'll get back to you :) )
currently looking for Apple, Hamphrey, Marshal and Lionel! will offer bells, your wishlist items, hybrids, perfect apples, anything!^-^
Looking for Francine or Diana for a friend! Will offer 5 mil and hybrids.
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Looking for animals that i will never find in an auction/selling thread, Pheobe the bad*** pheonix, cyrano the cranky anteater, and Poncho the jock bear cub
Looking for Genji or Kabuki, willing to trade Whitney or Fang for them ^^
Looking for Dotty, Cole and Coco to complete my bunny town!
Will pay 1mil for Dotty or Cole, Coco is negotiable. <:
I am looking for NAOMI! ;_;
Really want her! She is lowest tier so I don't see her getting sold or given away often...
Looking for Hugh and Kyle! They are my last two dreamies and then I have my perfect town! <3
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