(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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So I started playing after a long time and the couple of dream villagers from my town had left me. I made the tough choice to start over recently but the reset trick when villagers were moving in wasn't very kind to me and it got tiring.

I'm looking for any of Mitzi, Lopez, Punchy, Deirdre, Chief, either Rosie or Merry, and either Bam or Pierce. These are my dream villagers and I'll pay with TBT. I have two spaces right now but I'll soon only have one when the game forces an eighth, random villager to join me. I'll pay extra if the villager is original but I'm not fussed if they aren't but it would be ideal.

They're in order of most wanted, though I would love all of them eventually! If you have one, send me a message and we can talk about price. :)

I'll try to keep myself logged in any time I'm online, my timezone is GMT just to give you an idea. Thanks!
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Looking for Deirdre and Fauna. I'm willing to pay plenty of TBT, so if you want to trade, just drop me a PM asap. :)
Looking for one of these villagers to replace Rocco (unoriginal) who is leaving in 5 days. I can take the new villager after 6am PST on Thursday, March 10th.


I don't really care if they are original. I'm willing to trade Rocco (before time specified above), pay TBT, or pay IGB (I don't have a lot of IGB though). Or if there's a specific hybrid you're looking for I may be able to get a few for you.

I would prefer if you send me a pm or vm if you will have one of these villagers available since it is hard to track this thread.

Still looking for these villagers. I can accept them after 6am on Thursday March 10th, PST (GMT-8)
Hi :] I'm looking for my dreamie Julian the unicorn. I can pay millions of bells, or ask me everything
Looking for Kyle.

PM me if you have him up for adoption, will pay in TBT. Should be available until 3AM EST (6 hours from posting this).
Looking for the following:

Don't care if they're original or not. :)
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Looking for Kyle.

PM me if you have him up for adoption, will pay in TBT. Should be available until 3AM EST (6 hours from posting this).

Still looking, but I may be up a little later. Just toss me a PM and I'll try to get back to you ASAP.
Hi :] I'm looking for my dreamie Julian the unicorn. I can pay millions of bells, or ask me everything
Hi :] I'm looking for my dreamie Julian the unicorn. I can pay millions of bells, or ask me everything
Working on a new dream town on an alt cartridge!

Looking for: Beau, Punchy, Fauna, Poppy, Marshal, Felicity or Whitney!
Willing to pay with large sums of in-game bells (10-50 Million per), non-reorderables, foreign DLC items, etc~ Lots to offer including various regional event items! If you're looking for something specific just ask ^q^

Now I'm looking for: Beau, Punchy, Felicity or Whitney!
Lf: Marshall jualin peanut Francie loly Diana Rosie

Ft: bells hybrids or anything

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hey i have Chrissy if you want I could hold on to her untill she wants to move
Looking for 100% original Merengue or Zucker!
Tia gave me her move out date, but I'm willing to TT forward to get her out faster.

I'd prefer to pay TBT, but I can (probably) afford IGB as well. Please PM me and I'll make an offer :)
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