(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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I'm looking for Ankha, who just moved out :( I'll pay as many TBT and IGB as I possibly can to get her back
My dreamies are all cats except stinky punchy kitty and Mitzi. Want pears too.🙂 FC 1435-4142-6147
Looking for Diana, can pay TBT or IGB. Message me, I've got Nana leaving in a few days.
Still looking for Mitzi, Lopez, Punchy, Chief, Deirdre, Bam and Rosie/Merry! I still have two villager spaces for now, so any of these would be great. I can pay with TBT, and I'll pay extra if the villager is original, but I'm not fussed if they aren't!

EDIT: No longer need Mitzi or Punchy as I was able to get them! My town is currently full so I will post back here when I have the space for someone new. :)
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Looking for O'Hare, Papi, Gayle and Molly! Preferably free however I'm willing to pay reasonable amounts of TBT/IGB
Looking for BRUCE. I will pay well in either IGB or TBT. Please let me know if you have him, I know he's a tier 3 but I'll pay over the odds since he's the last villager I want
trying to get cheri in my town asap! i have her reserved in a cycling town but if you can give me cheri before she's in boxes in the cycling town, please pm me :)
Just posting again for Bruce. Offering a good tbt/igb amount and have a space ready. Please PM if you have him available
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