(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Looking for Marina or IGB.
I have Melba, Octavian, Chrissy, Felicity and Marcel.

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I don't know if it posted, but I'm looking for Marina, Francine, or IGB.
I have Melba, Octavian, Chrissy (for Marina ONLY... Maybe) and Felicity.
looking desperately for Erik, I'll trade as much IGB as you want or I can trade you Stitches or Zell. I just lost him and he was my favorite, but I have other towns i can move him into.
I'd pay handsomely for Genji or Snake - in IGB no less. Please VM me if you have them and are letting them go!
papi moved out yesterday, so i'm looking for either olaf or any & all cat villagers ( except ankha, felicity, and monique ).
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[Looking For] Cube, Sly, Apollo
[For Trade] Stitches, Ankha, Lucky, Pekoe, Butch, Cookie, Purrl, Items, Bells, TBT (no flowers or bushes sorry)
Looking for Lobo, Moe, Amelia, Canberra, Rooney, and Felicity.
I'd pay handsomely for Genji or Snake - in IGB no less. Please VM me if you have them and are letting them go!
[Looking For] Cube, Sly, Apollo
[For Trade] Stitches, Ankha, Lucky, Pekoe, Butch, Cookie, Purrl, Items, Bells, TBT (no flowers or bushes sorry)
Looking for Marina or IGB.
I have Melba, Octavian, Chrissy, Felicity and Marcel.

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I don't know if it posted, but I'm looking for Marina, Francine, or IGB.
I have Melba, Octavian, Chrissy (for Marina ONLY... Maybe) and Felicity.

Adding to this: Marshal!
Looking for any of the following; can pay in IGB or the meager amount of TBT in my sidebar:

Cole, Deirdre, Pekoe, Marshall, Lionel, Pecan, Agent S, Static, Butch, Pashmina

Originality doesn't matter as long as they don't have a bunch of fish/bugs in their houses. :)
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Looking for Mitzi, Cheif, Wolfgang, Punchy :)
Willing to pay with tbt/igb/hybrids!

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Originality doesn't matter!
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