(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Looking for Rodeo! My favorite dreamie. Don't have much to offer but I could work up some bells possibly.
Got Mira and Beau today. So now im looking for my last dreamie as of now lolly. I also my contemplate taking Whitney for my town too. :)
Lf any wolf villagers, I already have Wolfgang and Kyle.
I will pay millions, or trade rare items and dlcs
Annnd things have changed again! I have acquired Hamphrey and he is safely being held!

The person with Shari is offline but I doubt anyone has her right now. But I've now got my sights on Bam the Jock Deer. I will pay bells for him, if you have him and want to get rid of him I WILL TAKE HIM~.
I am looking for Bam the Jock Deer and Kyle the Smug Wolf.
Any information on their whereabouts or sightings would be greatly appreciated!
Looking for Erik (he's perfect for Mirkwood since my Mayor's name is Thrandui *yeah the L is missing at the end D: * and if you've seen pictures of the film you see him on a giant deer and Erik is perfect for that xD)
and looking for all the wolves (already got Whitney and Fang and I have to finish the cycle to get Chief back someday D: )
LF Joey the duck and Elise the monkey!

I can offer bells or tbt.
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