(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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No, don't lay your eyes on mine! Looking one for a friend!! Please pm me and I know nobody want this ugly caveman cub and dying to get rid of it but please!! Somebody wants him here and willing to pay for it! PM ME IF THERE'S ANY NEWS =X
Still looking for the lovely Merengue ; u;

Offering Zucker (who I'm keeping in boxes). Message me if interested!~
I am Looking for Cole or Punchy. I will trade Lobo or Camofrog or 1 million bells and perfect oranges.
Pm me if you want to trade.
Looking for Rod, please PM me if you have him since I'm sure he's auto-voided by most people. Price isn't really an issue so let me know.
Thank you! He's one of my sister's dreamies.
Looking for all the dreamies in my sig, and also Skye (I need to update it)
Can pay bells (up to 10mill) and I have Lopez to trade.
I'm desperately looking for Rod... if you have him please let me know! I can dupe bells/hybrids/furniture for you! Or if you just want him to have a loving home I'd be more than happy to give him one. <3
Thank you ; w ;
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