(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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looking for penguin villagers
friga,sprinkle,cube,roald,aurora,hopper,tex,boomer,puck,iggly,gwen boomer.
I'm making a penguin town.
if you have them. please don't void I have space.
I'm looking for Kyle. He moved away recently and I want him back. Any offers? Ask for what you want in return and I'll see what I can do.
Willing to invite Rosie in my town if people are interested to get her once in boxes. Vm/Pm me if so ~
Thanks to mayor holo for boomer and sprinkle ^^
I now have 3 penguins
Sprinkle - peppy
Boomer- Lazy
Flo - uchi

still looking for other penguins
Aurora normal
Hopper cranky
Friga snooty
Roald jock
Tex smug

Cube lazy
Iggly jock
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Looking for Ankha, Tangy, Lolly, & Merengue.
Willing to trade Beau.

Also I have Rodney the smug hamster moving out if anyone would like him!
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