i have a mighty need for snake, genji and whitney (also possibly rosie for my main town). ;;
can pay whatever and also have a lot of dlc and rare sets.
Looking for Diana (in case this purchase doesn't go through) and Pekoe for my first town, Starlace.
I'm also looking for Baarbara, Willow, and Timbra for my second town, Tanagra.
Willing to pay pretty much any amount in bells, unfortunately I don't have any popular villagers I can offer for trade.
But drop me a line if you or someone you know is trading / selling them!
3 penguins I have so far. Flo, Sprinkle, Boomer
Might be able to get Tex and Friga soon
Please I am still looking for Penguins. Aurora, Hopper, Cube and Roald. To complete my penguin town ^^
I know that they're not popular . please don't void them I'm always Time travelling to make space.
Thanks so much.
Still on the lookout for Lolly. I'm willing to give at least 5 million for her since I missed her in my campsite. if you have her and wish to give her to me, let me know in a PM.