I'm desperately looking for Cheri the Bear Cub - I can offer bells in exchange for her but she is my #1 dreamie and I have room for her right now so PLEASE let me know ASAP if you have her! Thanks!
I'm looking for Fuchsia! I desperately want her, but no one seems to have her up for grabs ;A; I'd be willing to pay if anyone was willing to let go of her for me!!!
Thanks anyways!! ;v;
I have Bam ,he is 100% ( house and outfit) and in boxes. I have him for sale/trade for today. Hopefully he is someones dreamie!!! If he is please message me and we can talk about a deal.
Looking for Eugene, I've been wanting him for ages but I'm always too late when he becomes available ;_;
Will pay a minimum of 2.5 million bells for him~