(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Looking for Willow the Golden Snooty Sheep!!! She is my dreamy, I currently have 9 villagers (Diane moved out </3) so I have room for her if she is in boxes!!! <3


I do not have much money right now but maybe we can work out a compromise, I really want her! </3
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I still need Clay in my life and Soleil as well.
Still paying a good amount of bells!

Okay, a very kind user invited Soleil from the campsite for me! :)
So I just need to find Clay, the Lazy hamster, somewhere. I would really want him to be 100% original; I usually don't care at all, but Clay is really one of my favorite villager ever, so yeah. Can pay million bells. Thanks :)
I am looking for: Kiki, Merry, Marshall, Eloise, Bonbon and Deride!

I currently have Flurry, Cookie, Alfonzo, Poppy and Mira in my town that I'm willing to trade for any of those villagers!
Will also pays bells and/or TBT for them c: please PM me if you have or know someone that has any of them.

thank you :3

Edit: I also have Whitney in my second town c:
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I really need Cesar :D

- - - Post Merge - - -

^PM me if you have him

- - - Post Merge - - -

^PM me if you have him
Currently looking for Muffy, Whitney and Lucky!

I don't have much to give except bells, so please send me an offer~! ouo
Okay, a very kind user invited Soleil from the campsite for me! :)
So I just need to find Clay, the Lazy hamster, somewhere. I would really want him to be 100% original; I usually don't care at all, but Clay is really one of my favorite villager ever, so yeah. Can pay million bells. Thanks :)

Clay is back in my life, thanks to sojin's generosity!! I'm so happy to have this little fella back!
Just waiting for Apple and Soleil's owners to PM me when they are in boxes. Huge thanks to everyone who helped me get my hamsters, I'm so glad ^___^ <3
Not looking for anyone at the moment.
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