(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Looking for these Dreamies!
Fuchsia - Kody - Vladimir - Bluebear - Eloise
Looking for Whitney! Please! *^^* ; A ;
I can give 300 TBT B or more. Pleaase! Thaanks ~~
Still looking for Bangle u.u Can offer all of my tbt or bells. PT me if you have her please.
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Still looking for Merengue. Willing to pay anywhere from 5-10mil right now.
I have Bangle, Punchy and Lucky for trade.
I'm willing to take bell offers for Punchy, but I'm only looking for Villagers for Lucky and Bangle.
Please message me with offers~! :)
rosie is moving if anyone wants her! im looking for julian, snake, muffy, stitches, octavian or (a LOT of) hedge starts!!
Looking for: Cheri, Lily, Kiki, Bunnie, and/or Carmen.
Any of these villagers would be nice. ; u ;

Not looking for Carmen at the moment, my main priority is getting Erik. Thank you.

I'm still looking for all of those villagers (excluding Carmen), though.
I need Leonardo. Will someone let me know if they get him and when he decides to move out?
Still looking for Pecan, Stitches, Tangy, and Punchy

Offering bells, TBT bells, trades, or perfect peaches
Looking for Rudy :)

Friga is moving out on the 16th and I'd like Rudy to take her place.
I can offer TBT bells. Or a drawing (see my tumblr for examples)
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