Looking for Olivia, and skye. i have other dreamies but those two are the ones i am lookin for at the time. i have money and an open space so i would like to get one before that space is taken ^^
Looking for stitches my last dreamie if he's moving on the 22nd that be super great I can wait til then cause eugene is.moving out on the 22nd I can offer bells and wishlist items
While I'd obviously love to adopt them for free, I am willing to pay bells for them so just name your price! I'm willing to pay quite highly for Shep, since I had him in my town previously but accidentally lost him and I miss him a lot. ;__;
I'm not exactly sure how this works, but I have Benjamin moving out of my town soon. Someone can get him to their town by visiting mine, right? I'm new to this so I don't know how to do it, but I just wanted to see if anyone wanted to take him here.
I really need to find Kyle the wolf, and would be willing to pay 5 million bells for him! <3 i would appreciate if he was original!
.. but to be honest i dont think i will find him through this LF thread lol