Still looking for Flurry and Hamlet!
Pleaaase I reaaally want them, message me or whatever, I can give bells or stuff~~ please please please D: Any help would be very apprecieted!
Ugh.. looking for Carmen cause she disappeared from the cycle town...
I put the wrong game into the wrong DS.
Lesson learned... all the games have stickers now. ~_~
STILL looking for dreamies over tier 2 *Bob, Lucky, and Marshal. Marshal is for my sister!*Ill offer..
-Sleek Set
-24 hr sign and register
-Aurora screen
-Cancer table
-Gold bug throphy
-2x silver bug throphy
-Shaved Ice lamp* RARE
-Gracie items(Lamp, dresser, Card screen, wedding cake, Wallpaper, floor
Plus 500k-3mil, 300 tbt
This is a pretty fair offer if you ask me