(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Looking for Doc, Drago, Tia, Agnes, and Butch

Willing to pay in game bells, especially for Doc!

Pm me... Also, I work, so give me a day to respond and I'll pay an extra million bells for holding for me.
Hi, I'm looking for either Vesta or Kitt. I like them both equally and will gladly keep either one in my town. :)
I'm on the hunt for Cookie if anyone has her! She's apparently hard to find? And she's a sentimental dreamie for me because I was super attached to her on ACGC as a child. I can pay a lot if necessary ^^
I'm currently looking for Skye, Bob, and Beau

I'm willing to trade in-game bells, items, flowers or fruit for her, Pietro is going to be in boxes soon in my town, and I'm willing to trade him as well.
Lily is in boxes. I will consider pretty much everything as an offer. Feel free to drop me a PM. I will get back to you as soon as I can.
I have Roscoe moving in 2 days. PM me offers.

Also, I'm looking for NANA, the pink normal monkey. PM me and I'll make an offer.
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