(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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I'm looking for Ankha or Coco!

Croque is moving out in 2 days (I can time travel-let me know if anyone wants him), so I will have a space.

They are my 2 most wanted dreamies. Please message me if you have any moving out, I do have bells I can offer.
LF: Rooney and/or Kiki. (Currently have room for one.) Offering TBT bells.
Still looking for ERIK :) some kind user offered me him for free but then accidentally voided him :'(

Please PM me if you have Erik! I can offer bells / DLC / other villagers (I have a cycle town). He's the last of my dreamies!
Looking for LOLLY and BEAU! I can offer anything sets, dlc, and any amount of bells. PM me if interested!!!
Looking for Peanut the squirrel! Please PM me if you have her (100% original) and I can make you an offer ^^
Looking for: Fauna, Flurry, Tia, Lily, Chevre, and Coco
Can only offer real ACNL bells
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Looking for Whitney and Punchy!
Will pay lots of bells or trade Zell, Cookie, or Lolly(when I get her from my brother), also Diana(also when I get from brother).
Thank you for reading! ;)
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I know how you feel. I have Stitches camping and can't get him because I picked up someone's voided Maelle doing a trade yesterday. It's the 2nd time I've got her from the void. I'm staying away from the Retail forum unless I have 10 villagers now!!!


I have a trade thread up for Fauna if anyone is interested. She's a mess but still cute.
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Looking for the following snooties:
Diana, Ankha, Francine, or Willow.
PM me if you're doing a giveaway or looking for offers.
I am looking for Skye or Wolfgang. I can offer hybrids/sets. I have purple, pink, orange, and black roses, black and pink lilies, orange and blue pansies, pink as orange cosmos. And I would pay up to 20 mil. I also have these sets : sweets, & 7-11 I will trade.
Looking for Deirdre and or any deer villagers except: Diana, Beau, Fauna, and Lopez
Less than an hour left in pekoe auction, if didn't see it earlier high bid only one m. for original cutie cub. Looking for Cheri, cookie, Wendy as well for self
Looking for Marshal or Phoebe, especially Marshal. I will pay in TBT AND bells, so please contact me.

Edit: I won't be able to pick him up until tomorrow, just a heads up.
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