My dreamies are in my signature, but Kidd Cat is most wanted c: Originality doesn't matter to me, as long as he's... appropriate. (like his catchphrase isn't a swear or something)
I'm looking for Whitney!<333
She is the last one since I randomly got the jock Bam to replace Kid Cat and I invited Stitches from my campsite to move in as my lazy!
I'm looking for, in order of priority, Olivia the snooty cat, Kid Cat the jock cat, or Annabelle the peppy anteater. I won't have room to pick up a villager until Wednesday the 17th, so if someone would be able to get one of those villagers into boxes for me on that day, I will pay many millions of bells, or give a bunch of hybrid flowers or other items, or some combination thereof. I can also offer Hamlet the jock hamster for trade, who will be in boxes on Tuesday the 16th.
LF...Cheri, Wendy and Roscoe then will either start a final town to finish dreams or break and cycle but I did want to be done and perhaps have another 3ds before hit cycling as it would be full time commitment.
Anyway I have Walt on giveaway please let me know if looking before he must go void which I would hate as he wS once quite popular and is a good Cranky unfortunately I need Roscoe in his spot. Again VMs pm or go to give for WALT Cranky Kangaroo male.