Giveaway CLOSED

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I'm going forward day by day. Is it enough to ask all villagers outside if I want to know who wants to move? Because no one has said anythingyet. :S

I'm not an expertise on TT, but I would say going forward one day at a time is your safest bet. Eventually, someone will ping you to move--I just don't know when that will be. How many days have you gone through so far? If you talk to most of your villagers, some will give you a head's up on who's thinking about leaving.
It's just perfect. Julian was the first who wanted to move... :D Of course I stopped him so you can get for sure... Typical!
It's just perfect. Julian was the first who wanted to move... :D Of course I stopped him so you can get for sure... Typical!

LOL! XD Of all the people to ask...
Hope he doesn't ping you a second time about moving. *crosses fingers* x3
I am sorry it takes so long but it always the neighbours I want to keep who want to move. :( I try to hurry.
I am sorry it takes so long but it always the neighbours I want to keep who want to move. :( I try to hurry.

It's okay! But just in case you didn't know already, this is a pretty efficient method to follow:

1) Get a villager you don't like to think about moving
2) Succeed in saying goodbye to them on the 1st day
3) Save and quit
4) TT six days into the future
5) And voila! They should be gone :)
How do I get them to think about moving except when they ping me and want to move?
How do I get them to think about moving except when they ping me and want to move?

I don't know if there's any way to guarantee that a particular villager will move. How many of your 10 villagers did you want to keep?
5 of the 10 could leave. But always those 5 I want to keep want to move. :( One of them already 3 times.

Finally!!! One I don't mind that much. :)
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Once more setting the time and he should be gone. :)

I am done. Finally!
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Thank you very much for your patience and of course for Bunnie! :) I will be online tomorrow. When can you be online? For me it is 10:11pm now. You said for you it was 3 pm. Can you be online at about 2pm?
I have one class tomorrow from 2pm - 3pm, but I can do before then or after :)

Should've bf'd you so we could communicate in the game, but you can always check if I'm online on your friend list or here on the forums.

- - - Post Merge - - -

My timezone is CST if it helps.
Then I guess before your class would be better. I will check whether you are online. I will travel to the day when Julian tells me he wants to move. The rest I will travel when it is sure you can come for him. :)
Then I guess before your class would be better. I will check whether you are online. I will travel to the day when Julian tells me he wants to move. The rest I will travel when it is sure you can come for him. :)

Okie :) I hope everything goes smoothly. Thanks again for trading with me! I was so sure Julian was going to be the hardest villager for me to obtain.
I know he is very popular. :) I like him too because he is cute but Bunnie has been my favourite since ACWW. So I am happy to trade him to get her. CU tomorrow!
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