Thank you for the order! I have your items ready for drop off once you are ready. I will try to be around after 5PM EST
Thank you! That's perfect.
Thank you for the order! I have your items ready for drop off once you are ready. I will try to be around after 5PM EST
I'm free to trade starting now~!
Hi Sorry for the late reply! I can head on over now if that is okay Just let me know when your gates are open
FC: 2037-3180-0976
Town Name: Dreamy
Mayor Name: Lexi
Availability: Trade Now
Serving Cart
Pick up or Drop off?: Drop Off
TBT Total: 4 TBT
I have your items ready, Let me know when your gates are open
Hi you're amazing! Just wanted you to know that! <3
hi! would it be okay if i just got the ski-slope floor? i really need it for a room i'm working on. thanks!
Hi, I can totally get that for you. Would 2 TBT be reasonable? And would you like to pick up or drop off?
2 tbt sounds perfect! i'd prefer pick-up if possible
FC: 2037-3180-0976
Availability: Now
Town Name: Dreamy
Mayor Name: Lexi
Order: Cup of Tea (Claude's RV)
Pick-up/Drop-off: Drop-off
Total: 2 TBT
Thanks for ordering again! I've got your items ready, let me know once I can head over
My gates are open~!
- - - Post Merge - - -
FC: 2037-3180-0976
Availability: Now
Town Name: Dreamy
Mayor Name: Lexi
Order: Elegant chair (Quantity: 2), Elegant Bench (Quantity: 1)
Pick-up/Drop-off: Drop-off
Total: 9 TBT ( I will pay 1 TBT EACH extra if you customize all the items to WHITE)
Hi! I'll get started on this (I can customize them I just need to do some time traveling). I also can get you the shaved-ice lamp and the fruit-panel umbrella from your other thread! Just give me a few minutes
Edit: I have the items ready now. I think the new total would be 16TBT for the Shaved-ice lamp, Fruit-panel umbrella, and the 3 items plus customization.
Perfect! I will open my gates as soon as you notify me. ^-^