Club Tortimer encounters

I met a sweet Japanese person who didn't speak that much English, so I had trouble understanding her. Unfortunately, I accidentally hit the wi-fi switch instead of the volume so I didn't talk to her much.

Then, a little later on I met a really cool group, consisting of a guy who kept tripping and falling on his face, a girl who just dug holes everywhere, and another girl who assaulted me with a net and asked if I liked anime(all in good fun, of course xD). I got the last girl's FC, and the guy's, but the guy's friend code kept coming up as invalid when I tried to add him so I suppose a typo was made somewhere.
I met a sweet Japanese person who didn't speak that much English, so I had trouble understanding her. Unfortunately, I accidentally hit the wi-fi switch instead of the volume so I didn't talk to her much.

Then, a little later on I met a really cool group, consisting of a guy who kept tripping and falling on his face, a girl who just dug holes everywhere, and another girl who assaulted me with a net and asked if I liked anime(all in good fun, of course xD). I got the last girl's FC, and the guy's, but the guy's friend code kept coming up as invalid when I tried to add him so I suppose a typo was made somewhere.

Got my non-existent toy hammer at the ready ;)
when i whent in international i met a japanesse, then the secound time i went i met a spanish then when i decided to go to na somebody stole my items so i think i might not go use club tortimer.
when i whent in international i met a japanesse, then the secound time i went i met a spanish then when i decided to go to na somebody stole my items so i think i might not go use club tortimer.

The only way someone can steal your items is if you drop them, which wouldn't be smart..
On the North American island I met someone performing a satanic ritual, so that was interesting.
My friend met a Japanese woman once, who spoke a little bit of English and their conversation was something like this (there was some other things in between these messages, but they were just like little conversation pieces):

Japanese woman: Hello !
My Friend: Hi!
Japanese woman: I am 47 house wife ! I have 3 kids !
My Friend: And a husband?
Japanese woman: Yes !
My Friend: (kidding) Is he cute? (she then did like the shy emotion thing)
Japanese woman: No !
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Once was when I was doing my region, there was a girl there who didn't say anything but kept wanting to do the same tour over and over. It was a little strange but I ended up with quite a few medals and in the end she said something like 'thanks for playing with me' and left.

Aside from some miscommunication, everyone I've met has been pretty nice. A few even wanted to be friends but didn't know their fc's off hand.
I've had mainly good experiences myself, a couple of bad ones. One really annoying person. I was hanging out on the international island doing some fishing, because I find I find rare fish more with people coming and going all the time; and this female character shows up and starts telling me to get off 'HER' island.

I'd tried to point out that it's a wifi island, but she wouldn't listen to reason; instead choosing to tell me to stop running constantly[when I was clearly WALKING along the shore], then eventually changing tactics after telling me to stop running when I was idle due to being away from my game[that was a funny thing to see. Her telling me to stop running when I'm clearly standing around by the cabin].

Eventually, I just told her you can't make me do anything and she left on a tour[but not before I made sure to flag her as a person I didn't want to encounter again. Yay for blacklisting morons and jerks ^_^]
I love it! I've made a friend or two and added a couple from there from my own country. I also often encounter groups of 4 and we all do tours so that's been really cool. I'd say that's wort getting it for. International was good, although they didn't speak as much... Or at all. Not very responsive... Such as people from Japan or Spain. I have had some USA people too and they're very talkative and friendly! :)

Only bad experiences I've had is the buttholes who cut down all the trees and leave it almost impossible to catch anything. Seriously, lame. Not had a hostage case though... Sounds scary ;_;

You've encountered groups of 4? Is it rare or something? I've never encountered more than one person at a time. Usually one person leaves before another joins.
It has to be possible for me somehow!^^
My friend met a Japanese woman once, who spoke a little bit of English and their conversation was something like this (there was some other things in between these messages, but they were just like little conversation pieces):

Japanese woman: Hello !
My Friend: Hi!
Japanese woman: I am 47 house wife ! I have 3 kids !
My Friend: And a husband?
Japanese woman: Yes !
My Friend: (kidding) Is he cute? (she then did like the shy emotion thing)
Japanese woman: No !

I had a good giggle at this. :D

You've encountered groups of 4? Is it rare or something? I've never encountered more than one person at a time. Usually one person leaves before another joins.
It has to be possible for me somehow!^^

Maybe it has something to do with time zones.
I find the island shop has little of interest and the 'supermarket' game really should pay in medals since it's on the island...

Anyway, only one Club experience stands out in memory and it wasn't a good one. Someone showed up and started asking my age...Now, I am entirely aware that that information is completely irrelevant to any part of Club Tortimer and it frankly weirds me out when people ask out of nowhere, so I refused to answer. About a minute afterward, a speech bubble pops up: "You got really annoying so I'm leaving."

When I relayed this experience to Twitterland, they all agreed this person was kind of a prick. Haven't been to Club Tortimer since.
Well, everyone I have encountered are nice. One took my friend code and ran though... I got a Wet Suit for free because this girl had an extra. :)
I find the island shop has little of interest and the 'supermarket' game really should pay in medals since it's on the island...

Anyway, only one Club experience stands out in memory and it wasn't a good one. Someone showed up and started asking my age...Now, I am entirely aware that that information is completely irrelevant to any part of Club Tortimer and it frankly weirds me out when people ask out of nowhere, so I refused to answer. About a minute afterward, a speech bubble pops up: "You got really annoying so I'm leaving."

When I relayed this experience to Twitterland, they all agreed this person was kind of a prick. Haven't been to Club Tortimer since.

I'd refuse to answer as well ;_;
Club Tortimer encounter? I don't know any because I mostly meet Japanese people and then they start speaking crazy fast Hiragana/Katakana that I end up going back home.
I always go international and never encountered any bad people. Some Japanese guy even gave me a king's crown for free XD Yeah, it's nice to be able to talk to Japanese people although most of them don't speak a lot of English.
I have a love/hate thing going on with Club Tortimer. I have had loads of cool experiences with it, but have had a few bad ones as well.
I'll start of with the bad.
I've only had a few, but there was one time where this girl kept running around the island, scaring all the bugs away. She would deliberately run in front of the tree that the bug I wanted was on, and it was really annoying. I didn't stay much longer.
The worst experience was with another girl from Japan. She held me hostage on the island and I was sitting on the chair things that you go on to do tours for like 3 minutes before I hit the wi-fi switch.

Now with the good ^.^
The first time I went on CT, I was matched with a German girl who was really nice, and gave me her friend code. Then she went to eat ice-cream and I left. Then there was a Japanese girl who didn't speak much English, but was very nice, and we communicated in mostly 'yeys!' and 'well done!' She gave me a captains hat as well ^.^

The best experience was with an English girl, and I think I spent over 3 hours with her. We did loads of tours and caught loads of fish, and loads of sharks. We even made a club called 'MFS' (must find sharks!) It was really fun :D She got me a wetsuit as well ^.^ But her wifi must of cut out or something because she unexpectedly left :(

Sorry for the long post, but yeah :) I say CT is really fun most of the time. :D
I always go international and never encountered any bad people. Some Japanese guy even gave me a king's crown for free XD Yeah, it's nice to be able to talk to Japanese people although most of them don't speak a lot of English.

Yep, I heard a few people who got crowns and whatnot for free ;)

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My friend met a Japanese woman once, who spoke a little bit of English and their conversation was something like this (there was some other things in between these messages, but they were just like little conversation pieces):

Japanese woman: Hello !
My Friend: Hi!
Japanese woman: I am 47 house wife ! I have 3 kids !
My Friend: And a husband?
Japanese woman: Yes !
My Friend: (kidding) Is he cute? (she then did like the shy emotion thing)
Japanese woman: No !

Haha lol