Selling Coco


Senior Member
Sep 17, 2013
0% (0) +
Coco the normal rabbit is moving in five days (10/23 is her moving date, it's currently 10/18 in my game)!! I'm willing to time travel but I can't connect with anyone until thursday night (9/19) so you'll have to wait until then to come get her. highest offer by thursday night can come and get her :eek:) I also posted this on gamefaq so that could be a game changer!

EDIT: I can't do any wifing on Saturday, 9/21, or Sunday, 9/22. You must be able to pick her up on Thursday 9/19 or Friday 9/20. sorry for any inconvenience!
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Not that I'm accusing you of this, but I would suggest posting a link to the gamefaqs auction, because auctions can be easily rigged by the OP like this.
Oh gosh, now you make me feel bad for bidding higher. 0:

don't feel bad!! D: i did say highest offer wins, and i don't think it's fair to other people to hold coco for one person when there are a lot of people who want her. that being said, if you want to drop out, you can, i'm not trying to seem hungry for bells or anything because i'm really not! it really just depends how much you want coco. i know if i were bidding against someone for a villager like tangy or kiki i'd really bet anything to get them. i really hope that whatever your decision is you don't feel bad because that's the last thing i want!
I'll keep my bid. I just don't like taking away people's dreamies from them, especially now since I just came across Coco recently and found her interesting.
I'll keep my bid. I just don't like taking away people's dreamies from them, especially now since I just came across Coco recently and found her interesting.

i can see where you're coming from. let me know if you change your mind! but yes, coco is really interesting. the main reason why i'm letting her go is because i have her in wild world, which i still play a lot. she's a cool character.
Haruchu you're still the highest bid and bidding is over! Is there sometime today you can come and get Coco? :^)
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